mercredi 31 octobre 2007

Frank Edoho's opinion about single women

I don't know how many of you know him, but he's the presenter of 'Who wants to be a millionaire' Nigeria. He's also a radio personality, married to a TV personality, Katherine Edoho.

There had been a lot of talk in the media that their marriage is troubled. He recently granted a very candid interview, talking about the problems in his marriage. (Encomium Magazine, Monday, 29th 2007)

Read some of the things Frank had to say about single women, and tell me what you think.

Personally, I found it a little offensive and a little shallow. Well, some of you might understand where he's coming from...I just think he's getting it very wrong....

Read his interview and reach your own conclusions.

What's the cause of the problems in your marriage? Frank "I noticed that all my wife's friends are single girls. I told her that I prefer her having married women as her friends. You can always sit back and talk about your husbands and children. Single women only talk about their boyfriends, how they change this boyfriend to another. So I put my foot down, 'No more single girls'. She got annoyed and started making moves to leave the house. I'm telling it to all married women now, don't have a single girl as a friend. Instead of me tolerating her with single girls, we will divorce. I prefer her married friends gossiping about me than single girls praising me because they are single and they have a plan. I just hope that God gives her the insight to know that her single friends are trying to ruin her, so that they can move into my house, but that can never happen"

What do you wish for this marriage?
Frank "A happy marriage, but all these her single friends are influencing her and I'm still warning them. Stay the hell away from my family. I'm warning these single women and you guys are living witness"
This is his wife's reaction
Katherine Edoho "Anybody could be married someday. The fact that they are not married now does not make them bad. After all, the married ones were once single. Frank does not know tomorrow"
Well said Katherine!
Seriously, I don't know what to make of Frank...aren't his statements so shallow? What I find most puzzling is him saying he would rather divorce his wife than tolerate her single friends. What? Single women are aliens? An epidermic? Stupid people? No do-gooders?
And he also said all single women only talk about is how to change boyfriends...Seriously, is this guy for real?
Maybe I wouldn't have found it offensive if he had said his wife's single friends are bad influences...but saying all sinlge women are bad influences is just unacceptable to me.
Generalizing isn't cute. And asking all married women not to have single friends...seriously is this guy alright?
Maybe it's just me, but is there anyone out there who thinks he's being ridiculous or thinks he has a point?
Do other married men have similar views?

mardi 30 octobre 2007

Relationship question + Oluchi Onweagba Luca's interview

When I ask relationship questions, some people think it's about me? I understand why you would think it's about me...but it's not. I just come up with questions I feel a lot of people can relate to. Ok...maybe the last question is a little about Sometimes we need closure and sometimes it's a little confusing! I don't know it all I guess!

Anyway, here's another question...and this has nothing to do with me o. I actually have a friend who says she's in love with two that possible? Being in love with two people at the same time?

Oluchi's Interview
The super model who was recently in Nigeria, granted an interview to This day Style...excerpts...

You must have taken some time out to have Ugo, your lovely son. What was your experience like being a mother for the first time?
Oluchi "Yes, I did take some time from work and traveling, after the birth of Ugo. It’s been a good experience and I am happy about being a young mum. But I have to say it is so much work taking care of a baby. As a first time mum, I have to remind myself that it’s okay to leave my baby at home and go dancing without feeling guilty because I am still me!"

They say you feel an overbearing sense of love when you first set eyes on your baby and you forget the initial pain you went through during childbirth. Did you feel this way when Ugo was born?
"I have known no love like the love of bearing a child. No word in the dictionary could explain it. All I remember saying after the birth of son was, “Oh my goodness! He is so long and so white!” And everyone started laughing.

How long did you work before you finally took time out to have your baby?
"I worked till I was in my sixth month. But by my last trimester I had gained so much weight and even more weight after delivery. My mother was so shocked when she came visiting. She could not believe that in my lifetime, I could be that big."

Is there a high demand for pregnant models out there?
"Yes there is a huge demand for pregnant models out here. It's a baby boomer year. Everyone is having a child. They have to sell clothes and merchandise to pregnant mums and models are in demand."

You won the coveted L'Oreal contract a while back. Since then, have there been any major jobs like that for you?
"The L'Oreal contract was and is still one of the many 'IT'S for me in my career. It is still being run in many department stores in the states. In Nigeria, I am very happy to associate and be the spokesperson for Recare, makers of Nature Gentle Touch."

Many models over the years have branched into different ventures after a while on the catwalk. What field holds the most interest for you to follow after the catwalk?
I have always been an entrepreneur at heart. I do not really know what the future holds for me but one thing that I know is that there is so much that I want to contribute in my lifetime as my own definition of contribution. Right now I invest in real estate while I model and go to school. Who knows what else I would venture into? The truth is I am scared of myself and what I am capable of doing, so I have learnt to take it a day at a time.

Would you ever like to host a talk show in Nigeria or any other part of the world?
I have been approached to host 'Africa's Next Top Model'. It is yet to be implemented. I would love to be a part of it'

So long an interview...but I'll stop here. Isn't Oluchi's little one so cute?

Joe Adekwagh passes on

It was with great shock I read some days ago that actor, Joe Adekwagh is dead. He died on Thursday, 25th of Oct, 2007. He slumped while serving as a master of ceremonies at the 40 years on stage party of veteran actor, Lari Williams, at the Cinema hall 1 of the National Art Theatre. He breathed his last after attempts to revive him at a clinic in Surulere. The Benue State actor was only 44 years old and was married with two kids. May his soul rest in peace.

Meanwhile, does anyone have an answer to this question? If all the 22 players on the football pitch wear the same jersey number, what do you think would become of the game football? Any answers?

lundi 29 octobre 2007

Relationship Question.

If someone broke your trust, how do you learn to trust them again?

Please share your thoughts.

samedi 27 octobre 2007


I don't know whether this things are amazing, freaky or scary. Take a look at this pictures, follow their instructions and reach your own conclusions.

Is this possible?

Focus on the dot in the centre and move your head backwards and forwards...freaky?

Are the purple lines straight or bent?

Do you see gray areas in between the squares?

You should see a man's face and also a word...
Hint: Try tilting your head to the right. Do you see a word? It begins with 'L'

Does it look like the picture above is moving? Look closely, the picture is not animated...your eyes are making it move. To test this, stare at one spot for a couple seconds and everything will stop moving. Or look at the black center of each circle and it will stop moving. But move your eyes to the next black center and the previous will move after you take your eyes away from it. Weird ?

This particular illusion is the freakest and most amazing. Try it!
1. Relax and concentrate on the four dot in the middle of the picture for about 30 secs.
2. Then take a look at a wall near you (Any smooth single coloured surface)
3. You will see a circle of light developing
4. Start blinking your eyes a couple of times and you will see a figure emerging
5. What do you see? Better yet, who do you see?
If you doubt what you see...ask someone else to try. Pretty amazing huh?

So what do you think?

mercredi 24 octobre 2007

My Magazine Is Out....At Last!!!

My Magazine is out....Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! That's me screaming! I'm so happy and so excited and so happy and so excited, so proud, so happy, so excited, so happy! lol!

Seriously, I've been on this magazine for over a year and it feels so great to have it out at last. Of all the projects I've been working on, this is one I know I've gotten 100% right.

This magazine is the same quality with Genevieve, True Love Mags...(Direct Image). It cost me 830 grand to print just a thousand copies.

I'm penniless...but I'm so happy! Whenever I look at the mag...I don't care I have no money to buy recharge card! It's worth it!

This second edition is quite rich and an improvement from the first edition...I try sha!

First edition
The magazine will be in most leading stores in Naija from this weekend.
You can get it @
Collectibles Boutique, Surulere
Talk to me Boutique, Surelere
Bobby's Hair Salon, Surulere
Nu' Metro, Silverbird Galleria, V/Island
Nu' Metro, @ The Psalms
Lafayette Shopping Mall, V/Island
Airport Hotel, Ikeja
The Book/Magazine shop @ Eko Hotel, V/Island
International and local airport Magazine stands
Wrangler Boutiques, Surulere and V/Island

Second edition

I'll let you know some more places where you can find a copy to buy. I'll also see if I can upload some pages of the magazine for y'all to will be so proud of me, like I am proud of myself.

Oh, by the way, did I mention that Virgin Nigeria want the magazines on their planes? Soon you'll find the mags on VN international flights to UK, SA and Dubai! We will also have our magazines in some local flights.

Anyway, here's what I wrote on the publishers' page...thought to share it with y'all!

Dreams do come true
"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams"

This Magazine came to me as an idea in June 2005. Exactly one year later, the first edition was published. How I managed to do it puzzled a lot of people, even myself, considering the outstanding quality of the magazine and the enormous amount of efforts and resources it took to put it together and get it out.

Before the first edition came out, I went to a few financial institutions to see if I could raise money needed to print the magazine. Nothing came out of it! So I put in my life savings, and got some credit facility to produce the first edition, hoping that when I do the launching I'll be able to raise enough money to pay back my debts and print the next edition.

For some reason, it didn't work out that way. I wasn't able to raise enough money, not even close. It was as if I'd failed, because before venturing into this, a lot of people had tried to discourage me from doing it. I remember a friend telling me that what I was about to embark on was bigger than me. A few others said I should leave the country and get a better life abroad. Some said I should stick to modeling and leave publishing to older and richer people. Did I listen?

The weeks following the formal launching of the maiden edition of my magazine were some of the worst moments in my entire life. I was more broke than I'd ever been. I was in debt. I was loosing money because I was selling the magazine for less than I printed it. I couldn't get the money from sales immediately and the magazine wasn't selling as fast as I'd hoped. Worse still, I couldn't raise money for the next edition. I remember feeling very gloomy and depressed, especially when I heard 'I told you so' from friends. It was disheartening.

Inspite of all this, I started work on my next edition. And for the next one year I went around Lagos to see if I could raise the money needed to print. I didn't get much help. But did I give up? Did I let my dream die? Instead I went down on my knees and prayed to my God, and every day I went to look for help with renewed hope, not only because I believed in the magazine and in myself but also because I believed in God and I knew one day a door will open...and it did!

The easiest thing we humans know how to do is give up, especially when we think we've tried our best and our best does not seem like it's enough.

Dreams do come true. The bottom line is to believe in yourself and in your dream. People will try to discourage you; most times they mean well. But understand one thing: Only you see your dream, only you know where you want to go and only you can make your dreams come true.

To make your dreams come true you need to have faith, be determined, work extraordinarily hard, don't be too proud to beg, take risks, pay attention and don't get easily discouraged. Remember, the road to success is rough. Winners never quit and quitters never win.

Most importantly, don't ever forget to get down on your knees. It works!

Because I didn't give up, I present to you another edition of FM&B Magazine...

Linda Ikeji

Ok, that was what I wrote on my publishers' corner...I always write the way I feel, see and know it.

Anyway, I'm looking at bringing out the 3rd edition in January. So please help me get my next edition ready by sending in articles and pictures that relates to Fashion, Modeling and Beauty. (I'll credit the write-up to you if that's what you want), anyone who can handle a column, please let me know. It's 108 pages...let's fill it up. Also, if you want to be featured or want to advertise in get in touch with me.

Ok, let me go attend to some business...despite my busy schedule, I'll still find time to blog...because I love you guys and writing is my biggest to modelling.

Take care and always remember "Where you are going should look nothing like where you have been"

Don't let anyone tell you you can't do it...YOU CAN!

Love and plenty kisses! Linda

mardi 23 octobre 2007

Customs and Traditions of Nigeria + Nigerian Traditions That Need To Be Stopped!

I think it's very important for all of us to know the history, customs and traditions of our beloved country. For those of you who didn't read history in Secondary or University, here's History 101 on the traditions and culture of Nigeria. Enjoy!

Nigeria is often described as a country of unity in diversity. This description probably stems from ttie fact that the country is made up of over 400 linguistic groups, three principal religions, a multiple of socio-political opinions and organisations and varying weaiher and climatic conditions between the North and the South.

Nigeria boasts of a plethora of customs and traditions, cultures and festivals, that would appeal to the tastes of the average tourist. (In the Northern States of the country, the customs, cultures and traditions of the people who are mainly Hausa/Fulani, Nupe, Kanuri, Igalaand Tiv are governed by the Musfim religious traditions).

Most of the festivals held in these areas, such as the Durbar in Katsina and Kaduna States, are associated with religious celebra- tions. The Argungu Fishing Festival in Kebbi State which has over the years acquired international recognition, is however removed from traditional religious celebrations.

The Northern States of Nigeria, especially Sokoto, Kebbi, Jigawa, Kano, Yobe, Borno, Katsina and Kaduna are semi-desert and so experience little rain within the year. The weather is generally hot during the day and cold during the night through most of the year. The common dress in these States is the Babanriga, a large, flowing top over large trousers. The dominant dress colour is white.

The major means of transport, from time, and as in case in other semi desert and desert areas are the camel, the donkey and the horse. The horse, most of the times, is bred for the purpose of traditional and religious festivals such as the Durbar when they are dressed in very flamboyant colours and attires as active participants. In these Northern States, education, the judicial system and other institutions are influenced by the muslim religion. They practice the sharia (taken from the Koran) system of justice, education begins with learning Arabic and reading the Quoran.

Western education has however gained much ground here with the establishment of the Ahmadu Bello university, Zaria, Kaduna State in 1962.

It is arguably the largest university in Africa. Other universities in the North include University of Maiduguri (Bomo), Uthman Dan Fodiyo University (Sokoto), Bayero University of Science and
Technology, Bauchi. In what is described as the Middle Belt in Nigeria are the States of Niger, Kogi, Benue, Adamawa, Taraba and Plateau.

Plateau State and its capital of Jos remain the tourist capital of the whole of Northern Nigeria. The State boasts of a temperate weather, a number of rising, picturesque Plateau and a near-rural population that boasts of the largest concentration of foreigners among the States of the North. Add to this list the quiet environment of the University of Jos, the Highbrow National Institute for Policy and Strategic Studies, NIPSS, Kuru and the National Museum that depicts the cultures and traditions of several Nigerian nationalities.

The commonest language in use in the Northern States is Hausa. The Western States of Lagos, Oyo, Osun, Ondo and Edo constitute the most developed axis in the country The people, who are united almost by a single language, Yoruba, also constitute the most articulate of the Nigerian populace.

In the area of religion, the West is divided. Less than 20 per cent are moslems. About 60 per cent are Christians while the other 20 per cent are traditional worshippers of other gods such as Osun and Ogun. Traditional worship is very popular in the Western States so that some have been turned into festivals in Osogbo, Osun State.

The West is equally highly educated and industrialised. Nigeria's Premier University, the University of lbadan, Oyo State was established in 1948. There are also the Universities of Lagos and Benin (Edo State), the Obafemi Awolowo University (Ile-ife, Osun Sate) the Lagos State University and the Edo State University in Ekpoma. The area also boasts of the highest number of other educational institutions.

Their traditional institutions are highly reverred with all traditional activities revolving around the Obas of lfe, Benin and Lagos, the Alafin of Oyo, the Olubadan of lbadan, the Ataoja of Osogbo among others. Being highly educated, most of the citizens are paid civil servants or are involved in private business. There is not much of rural life as in parts of the North but the people still sustain and guard their traditional institutions, exploring their commercial potentials on the international scene.

The Yorubas, who are very colourful and extravagant in their dressing, are symbolised by the buba and sokoto that closely resemble the Northern Babanriga. Notable festivals include chieftaincy installations, the Osun festival (Osogbo, Osun State) the Eyo masquerade (Lagos State) beside others.

In the East and South Eastern States of Nigeria, Christians make up over 96 per cent of the entire popula- tions. These states, together, have the largest concentration of churches, which range from the orthodox to the pentecostal, in the country.

The States located in this region are Abia, Anambra, Akwa lbom. Cross River, Delta, Enugu, Imo and Rivers. In the four states of Abia, Anambra, Enugu and Imo, the primary language of communication is lgbo. In Akwa- lbom State, the major languages are Ibibio and Anang. In Rivers State the major languages are ljaw, Kalabari, lkwerre, lgbani, Kirike and Ogoni. In Cross River State the main language is Efik while in Delta State the main languages include lgbo, Itsekiri, Urhobo and Kwale.

In as much as languages vary in this area, cultural and traditional norms and dress modes arc very similar. Traditionally, the eastern and south-eastern women dress in simple, double wrappers, a blouse and a head tie to match. The men traditionally dress in flowing wrappers or trousers under a flowing, large shirt with cap to match.

The indegenes of these states, like their western counterparts, are equally highly educated and are mainly employed in paid employment, trade and commerce. The area boasts of the University of Nigeria, Nsukka (Enugu State) Nigeria's first indigenous university, the University of Port Harcourt and the Rivers State University of Science and Technology (Port Harcourt, Rivers State); the Federal University of Agriculture, Urnudike; Abia State University (Uturu, Abia State); Imo State University (Owerri); University of Calabar (Cross River State); University of Uyo (Akwa lbom State); Nnamdi Azikiwe University (Anambra State); Enugu State University of Science and Technology and a host of others. Cultures, traditions and festivals in these States come as much as the languages.

In Anambra and Enugu States, there are the Manwu festival; in Abia State there are the Ekpe festival, the Ekpe masquerade and the In ji (New yam) festival. In Akwa lbom and Cross River States, there are the Ekpo, the Kpe masquerades and cults. In Rivers State, there are the Nwaotam and Ekine masquerades and cults. The traditional institution of the Eastern and South Eastern States suffered a great deal as a result of the European intervention. Today, however, the traditional institution is re-emerging from colonial mentality. Eze have re-emerged in lgboland with pomp and pageantry, giving room for new yearly traditional celebrations of Ezeship (Kingship), Amanynabos today still rule Kalahari, ljaw, Okrika and Opobo kingdoms of Rivers State providing avenues for cultural activities all year round.

In Cross River and Akwa lbom States, the Obongs still evoke the cultural richness of the indigenous people. Most importantly, the Eastern and South Eastern States especially Rivers, Delta and Abia States, provide the entire nation with over 90 per cent of national revenue. This is because the area is rich in oil which has attracted a lot of investment from within and outside the country.

This article is

Traditions that need to be stopped
There are so many traditions that are common to circumcision, early marriages of young girls, polygamy etc...

Now, let's focus on Nigeria and it's many traditons...traditions that make us unique...

Of all our traditions, which would you like to see...stopped?

dimanche 21 octobre 2007

Top Event Managers in Nigeria + Lagos in 2020?

Let me start by sending my condolence to the family of Yemi Tella, Nigeria's Under 17 World Cup winning coach , who died on Saturday morning Oct 20th 2007, after losing his long-running battle against lung cancer. He died at the Lagos State Teaching Hospital (LUTH). He was aged 56. May his soul rest in peace...Amen. are names of some event planners making things happen in Naija...enjoy!

Funke Bucknor-Obruthe
Her events management company, Zapphire, ranks among the very top when it comes to managing A-list events. She is a product of University of Lagos, where she read law. She handled Florence Ita-Giwa, Titi Atiku and Solomon Ayoku's among others.

Uche Uwandison
Her events management company, Frannicoles, is a force to be reckoned with. Some of the top events she's packaged include the MTN and This Day Awards.

Funmi Victor Okigbo
Her events management company, No Surprises, handles events from the very beginning to the end without a hitch. She managed Betty Irabor's 50th b/day and so many other high profile events.

Oluwakemi Adekambi
She is the woman behind Kiket Cocktails and drinks, which is all about cocktail, drinks and event management. Her clients cut across, from corporate, socialites to even churches.

Ibidun Ajayi-Ighodalo
Former Miss Lux, Ibidun, is the brain behind, Elizabeth R. Her event company has catered to several high society events. The University of Lagos graduate is married to pastor Ituah Ighodalo.

Kafilat Osobemekun
Kafilat is the brain behind Osho's Celebration. She was a chartered marketer before leaving that for events planning and marketing. She came into the social scene five years ago and her specialty includes weddings, birthdays, funerals and corporate events.

Yetunde Odupitan
She is the young lady behind fast rising events management company, Gray Belle. A graduate of Mass Communication, University of Ado Ekiti, her company has catered for a lot of corporate organisations.

Kike Akinsola
She is the CEO of Bloom Designs Limited, which specialises in weddings, corporate events, b/days etc.

Rosemary Udoh
Rosemary is the lovely woman behind Angels Events Company. She managed Iyabo Obasanjo's 4oth b/day among other classy events her company has handled.

I'll bring you more names later. And those who want their contacts...I'll see what I can do.

Meanwhile, some optimists think this is what Lagos State will look like in 2020!

The Lagos of our dreams...

Check it out...

4th Mainland Bridge to Alapere in 2020

Mile 12 in 2020 (Metro Rail)

5th Mainland Bridge to Ikorodu in 2020

Oshodi Oke in 2020

Mowe in 2020

Adeniji Adele in 2020

Oshodi in 2020

Ikorodu in 2020

Ebute in 2020

Ajegunle in 2020

Stop dreaming....Get back to!

Have a fruitful week!

samedi 20 octobre 2007

Relationship Question! + Naija Entertainment News + Funny Cartoons.

Sshhhh! I want to gossip but don't say I told you this o...

My neighbours downstairs? The married couple with three kids? They sleep in separate bedrooms.

I went to their flat this morning to pick up my jewelries, the lady of the house ushered me into her room and there was nothing to indicate she was sharing the space with a man. Trust me and my 'amebo' nature, I asked and she told me her husband has the room opposite hers...she said that's the way it's always been (her husband's idea). Shhhhh, don't tell!

Married but sleep in separate bedrooms? Ain't that...?

What if one of them gets horny at night, what happens? They go knocking on the door at 12 midnight? 2 am? Wake the kids up with the knocking and opening of the door? Instead of just turning to your partner and say 'Honey, I want some". Isn't that less stressful? What about cuddling at night? When one is cold and wants to be held?

What am I getting married for if I won't have someone to hold at night? To share my space with, watch a late night movie with, share break fast in bed, discuss the day with., ransack his wardrobe and closet? lol!

If my husband asks for a separate bedroom, to me, that's ground for dare HE deny me the privileges of married life...nonsense! lol.

But seriously, is it okay for married couples to have separate bedrooms?

Naija Entertainment News

Rugged Man launches clothing line
Today, Saturday 20th, is the official launching of Ruggedman’s clothing line at Nu Metro, Silverbird Galleria, V/Island. I hear celebrities will be the ones modeling his clothes. I hope this works out well for Rugged.

Emeka Ossai remarries.
Star actor, Emeka Ossai is set to marry again, years after his first wife, actress Jennifer Okere. His wife to be is Jumai, the daughter of Senator Isa Braimoh. Their traditional wedding will hold on Thursday, Dec 27th and the white wedding will hold on Friday, Dec 28th. Good luck to them.

The Nigerian Movie Directory
The ever growing Nigerian movie industry will get a directory on Sunday, Oct 28th, 2007, as Ultimate Communications prepares to unveil it’s directory which contains 2, 500 contact addresses of practitioners in the movie industry. The unveiling will hold at Lacampayne Tropicana, Adeniyi Jones, Ikeja.

D Banj and P-Square win Channel0 award
Unlike last year when Nigerian artistes won in about 10 categories, they only got 3 awards this year in the eleven categories they were nominated in. P Square and De Indispensables won in their categories as the Best Group Video and Best African Video respectively, while D Banj won in Best Special Effects Video out of the four categories he was nominated for.

P Square Changes Plans
Contrary to their initial plans of releasing their next album in audio and video CD’s, the twin brothers will no longer be releasing their next album that way. The new 10 tracker album, which is titled ‘Game Over’, will be released in a matter of days and the video CD will be out in January.

Nigerian Music Video Awards
The Award, which holds on Dec 2nd 2007, is meant to recognize and reward particularly the outstanding creators of music videos, (directors, editors, animators, directors of photography and choreography) in various categories. Artistes are already sending in their entry which closes Oct 31st.

Club MTV Base storms Nigeria
Music Channel, MTV Base and Guinness Extra Smooth are coming together to boost Nigeria’s urban club culture with the roll out of a new live music event franchise, known as Club MTV Base Extra Smooth, aimed at young Nigerian music fans aged 18-28. Their events or parties will swing into groove from Oct to Dec 2007, kicking off in Lagos on Sat Oct 27th, and then touring Abuja (Nov 10th), Benin City (Nov 24th) and back to Lagos (Dec 15th).

Popular comedian, Ali Baba, who already has three jeeps, (we call it jeeps in Nigeria) in his garage, has just acquires another one. A red Dodge. The comedy business is really booming.

The Black Eyed Peas performed at the This day Centre last Sunday, Oct 14th. I heard the show was off the hook. Oluchi was also in town for the show. If you want to see more pictures of the event, go to one of my favourite blogs,

Speaking of Oluchi, the Super Model is now into real estate. She just bought a $1.7m West End condo in New York City. She already has a 2-bedroom apartment at the Imperial (it goes for between $7, 000 and $9, 000 monthly). Her studio at Jade Jaggers Eponymous condo in Flatiron also goes for about $3, 250 a month.

"Basically, what I do is invest in apartments and let them out" Oluchi was overheard telling a pal.

The wife of designer, Luca Luca, and mother of Ugochukwu, will soon graduate with a Bachelor of Science degree in Leadership and Management from the prestigious New York University.

More grease to her elbow!

Introducing Quorum 4
Some services that Quorum 4 offers.
Coming to Nigeria services include:
• Hotel advice and booking at discounted Quorum rates.
• Attractions advise.
• Trip pals.
• Tourist/Foreigner assistance.
• Internal logistics
• Domestic travel advice and booking.
• Personalised itineraries.
• Customized day tours.
• Mobile phone + phone line rental during your stay.
• Car hire + driver.
• 24 hours Quorum4 help/enquiries line.
• Many more.
We answer any enquiries within 24 hrs and its absolutely free! Drop us an email at

Meanwhile, here are some Funny Cartoons to brighten up your day.

Hope your weekend is going well? I'm taking today and tomorrow off to rest...I'll just blog, watch movies, eat, sleep, and not step out of my house...pretty boring huh?
I'm just waiting for Tuesday to go pick up my magazines...and 2/3 weeks to go to the airport...then my life will become exciting again.
Have a FABULOUS weekend and do let me know what you think about married couples sleeping in separate rooms...Cheers!