lundi 31 août 2009

Naija's Most Eligible Bachelors...

Fun post! Fun post!! Fun post!!!

Oh I had the most boring weekend. All I did was think about! I thought so much about it I decided to do a post on it....I need to get a life I swear... :-)!

It's my list of Naija's most eligible bachelors. My criteria would be...a guy a lot of ladies won't mind dating. Young. Successful. Hot?!

No one should take this serious, let's just have fun with it.
It's in no particular order...and I hope to God I didn't include any married man on this list...that would be too
Check it out...

1. Jim Iyke

2. Gbenga Ashiru
Made Magazine

3. Matthew Mensah
CEO, Health PR/Catwalk the World. I know he's Ghanaian but he lives in Nigeria and is looking for a Nigerian wife, so he qualifies. :-)

4. Lolu Sodeinde
Business man

7. D'banj
The Koko Master

8. Abubakar Tafawa Balewa (right)
Publisher - Mode Men Magazine

8. Joseph Yobo
Footballer - Everton/Super Eagles

9. Ebuka Obi-Uchendu
TV presenter/Columnist

10. Married, sorry...:-)

11. Olisa Adibua
TV/Radio personality

12. Segun Obe
Gospel singer

12. John Mikel Obi
Football - Chelsea/Super Eagles

13. Chidi Mokeme
Actor/Business man

14. Alex Okosi (or is he married now?)
GM, MTV Africa

15. Kevin Luciano
Questionmark Entertainment
*That's it*!

I know there are plenty eligible bachelors around but these were the only ones I could think of...
So who's your fave? Who shouldn't be on this list?
And who's the most eligible?
Mine would be Alex Okosi Lolu Sodeinde. He's young, tall, too cute, fun to be with and very smart. And yes he's on facebook. Single ladies...*wink wink*

Now to the worlds' most eligible bachelor

They say footballer Christiano Ronaldo is the worlds most eligible bachelor.
I say no way.....

My most eligible would be...

George Clooney...
Now that I would
Have a great week ahead everyone and remember, the poorest man on earth is he whose only wealth is money!

samedi 29 août 2009

Signs he's not that into you

Wake up ladies, if you keep making excuses for the man in your life...then he's probably not that into you. She's 31, he's 37, they've been dating for four years, asked why they were not thinking about marriage; she says he's not ready. He's not ready? At 37? Really? Or maybe he just doesn't see his wife in you? Men make a lot of excuses when they really are not into you. Like Ifeoma Odogwu wrote, if a man really wants to be with you, he will make it happen. You won't have to make excuses for him. Please remember this, if a man wants you, nothing will keep him away.

If you get to a certain age, like late 20's/early 30's, please don't waste your time with any man. Check for signs, if he's not showing any seriousness, you probably should take a walk. See I'm single, mostly because I'm too old to be wasting my time with any man. I don't want to be any man's past time activity, or one of his 'women', or date someone I know I can't marry, I mean what's the point? So I'm keeping myself 100% available for when my husband comes along... and I think he's coming very soon. God remember that discussion we had yesterday? lol

Anyway, check out 15 signs he's not that into you that I found in an online women's website...

1. He's just not that into you if he's not asking you out.
If a man is excited about awoman, he can’t stop himself— he wants more. If he’s attracted to her, he’s going to want to take it further. If he’s not making a move, it’s not because he is ‘scared’. The only thing he is scared of is how not attracted to you he is.

2. He’s just not that into you if he’s not calling you.
He says he didn’t have a moment in his busy day to call. Rubbish! The real reason is that you are not on his mind. If a man leads you to expect he will call and then doesn’t follow through on such a little thing, he will never follow through on big things. Be aware he is okay with the idea he is disappointing you.

3. He communicates via TEXT and email. By doing so, he avoids the “getting to know you” conversations. He really isn’t interested in moving things forward. He wants the down and dirty. When can he see you? If you have already had sex, his TEXT is to set up his next booty call. He usually steers the conversation towards telling you how sexy you are and how he can’t wait to see you again. DUH!

4. He warns you that he isn’t relationship material. Men usually say what they mean. He is telling you that he is not relationship material-at least with you-believe him! You might be the exception to the rule, but more than likely, you are not. He is probably going to have sex with you and dump you when things get too complicated (you want more from him).

5. He puts little planning into your date. He tells you that he wants to hang out and watch a movie or something. “Something” means having sex in case you haven’t figured that out by now. If you always go to the restaurant, because it is his favorite, he isn’t trying to please you. More than likely, he goes to different restaurants with different women. A guy that is really into you will plan a date. Even if the date doesn’t cost him a dime, he will plan.

6. He makes lots of empty promises. He keeps talking as if you have a future, but he takes little or no action. He talks about having a future together or all the fun things you will soon, but he doesn’t plan a date! Some men promise the moon, sun and stars, but deliver…nothing! He really isn’t that into you. Think about this. If he can’t come up with a few things that make you swoon despite his pocketbook, he isn’t that into you.

7. He makes last minute plans to see you. You are just so glad he calls that you don’t realize that that he is definitely not that into you or he thinks that you have no life and would be readily available at his beckon call. Either way, if you accept, you aren’t scoring any points. You were probably one of the women in his “little black book” and not his first call.

8. He avoids the “getting-to-know you” conversations! He really doesn’t want to get to know you better. He wants to know what he needs to know to get you into bed. If he really wants to get to know you better, he is asking questions about you, your life and what you want. If not, he is looking for the easiest, quickest booty call. He will flatter you! He will tell you how amazing you are! But he doesn’t really know anything about you. If you fall for this, don’t expect a call anytime soon. He will call you again when he is horny.

9. He is pushy about getting physical. He tries to move things forward beyond the “make out” session with minimal clothing. If you resist, he makes you feel bad that you aren’t that into him. He says that he just wants to cuddle, but he is really trying to get more. (Just so you know, most men don’t really like cuddling. They do it because it gets them sex!) He is kissing and holding you, but in the process trying to take your blouse and pants off, wants sex. If he gets upset or offended when you put the kibosh on moving forward, he isn’t that into you. If someone really likes you, he is willing to wait until you are ready to move things forward.

10. You initiate and he doesn't follow through. If you're really into a guy and you think he may be shy, try initiating a conversation, phone call or texting session. If you start the conversation, he'll want to continue it. However, if he doesn't return your calls or texts or tries to end the conversation quickly, he may not be into you.

11. His actions don't match his words. If he says he'll call you and then you don't hear from him or if you suggest meeting up and he is "too busy," he probably isn't interested.

12. If you have been dating for a month or more and have never met his friends, he isn’t that into you. When men think they have found a great catch, he want to show her off. If you don’t get an invitation to meet his friends, you aren’t that girl. He wants to see you alone but not integrate you into his life, this is not a good sign. If a man is really into you, he wants all his friends to see the woman he is dating. If this doesn’t happen, you are not the woman he wants to be with long term.

13. He says he just wants to be friends. He means it. If you offer up sex as part of the package, he is willing to be friends with benefits. He isn’t stupid if you are! If you offer to satisfy him sexually, why not. If you think being friends with benefits will lead to more, it won’t. He isn’t into you in almost every case. When he finds someone who rocks his world, you are history.

14. He's not that into you if he's still hooking up with other women. Or you even catch him at it, he’s not ready to settle down with you. Even if he still maintains inappropriate contact with exes or even other women friends he’s not ready to invest time in you or ready to have any kind of future. He’s just not worth the time if he’s out looking for someone else. Save yourself the heartache and move on. You’ll find someone who will be so thankful for you.

15. He’s just not that into you if he doesn’t want to marry you.
Every man you have dated who says he doesn’t want to get married or doesn’t believe in marriage, or has ‘issues’ with marriage, will, rest assured, someday be married. It just will not be to you. (Tell me about

OK that's it ladies. I'm sure some of you were able to relate with a few of these signs.
Please stop making excuses for him. If he likes it, he will put a ring on it...*wink*
If you know more signs, please share with the rest of us.

On a lighter note, here's a sign he's definitely into you...

...When he puts food in your mouth.
Ex-president Olusegun Obasanjo feeding Governor Gbenga Daniels.
Awwwwww...such a cute couple.

Naija's Top 10 richest hip hop stars...

I saw this today on the popular music programme 'Video Wheels' on Silverbird Television. I don't know how they arrived at this, they didn't even say how much these individuals are worth, they just gave us the top 10 richest. Check it out and tell us what you think.

Naija's richest musicians

1. Don Jazzy
2. Dbanj

3. P-Square
4. Tuface Idibia
5. Olu Maintain

6. Sunny Neji
7. Banky W

8. KC Presh
9. Goldie

10. Ruggedman

Wow, but where's 9ice, Timaya, Dare Art Alade etc...?
Like I said earlier I don't know how they came up with this list, but what do you guys think?

Adam Goldstein, also known as DJ AM, has been found dead in New York City at the age of 36.
His body was found in his apartment.

Police sources say that Goldstein is believed to have died of a drug overdose. The drug paraphernalia was found at the scene, including a crack pipe.
Sad way to go. May his soul rest in peace.

And happy birthday to the late king of pop, Michael Jackson.

vendredi 28 août 2009

Timaya attacks Empress Njamah

As written by Ogbonna Amadi, Entertainment editor of the Vanguard newspapers

Na me be the Egberi Papa 1 of Bayelsa, any where I dey, people they scamper
Chorus; Timaya don blow o, Timaya don kpolongo

BAYELSA State- born militant singer, Timaya, had a rough taste of love turned sour portion when he was manhandled, handcuffed and subsequently detained by the Festac police for conducting himself in a manner likely to breach public peace.The show of shame ,which happened last Sunday at an Alakija Lagos-based church, Praise Resurrection Ministries aka Jehovah Sharp Sharp church, disrupted the service, leaving several members of the house of God bruised.

In what an eye witness account described as a reflection of the lyrics of one of his hit songs, Timaya in company of some of his goons, arrived the Church without notice and sauntered into the Thanksgiving service being held in honour of a newly wedded couple named Bridget and Nerho.

On arrival, he was allegedly given a seat by one of the church ushers. But he insisted he wanted a place in the front row where (according to our source) he would be positioned to listen to the Pastor and his sermon.

But when the usher stood his ground, he calmly sat without betraying any emotion of what he planned to do. On his entry, his ex lover, Empress Njamah who was said to have become alarmed quickly stood up from where she sat and made her way to the front row area where some elders of the Church sat.

According to our source, she had expressed her fear to one of the ushers about the danger of Timaya coming to Church saying she was certain he was there to make trouble.

And true to her prediction, Timaya who had seen her move decided it was time to make his own move. It was at this point that he drew the attention of one the ushers insisting he also wanted a place at the front area. But his move was thwarted by the usher who at this point sensed there was something wrong.

As the usher stood his ground, Timaya lost control and began to shout at the top of his voice and to the chagrin of the worshippers, “I want to retrieve the key of my car which Empress took away from my house.”

When the usher insisted he waited until Church service was over, he became unruly and uncontrollable. At a point he was said to have lifted one of the plastic chairs in the Church and tried to attack Empress. This move was however contained by some of the male church worshipers.

“As the struggle and show of shame continued, Timaya, who at this point was shouting at the top of his voice, was rough handled and bundled out of the Church arena.

As the burly musician resisted every attempt to reason with the Church officials, a concerned naval top brass who also worships at the Church, invited his men from the nearby naval barracks and Timaya was subsequently handcuffed and handed over to men of the Festac Police formation. He was detained briefly and later released after pledging to be of good behaviour and on self recognition.

But in a new twist to the church fracas, some explained to this writer that there is more to the story than what the couple exhibited in church.

“The true story, according to our source is that Empress had drawn the anger of the musician on the ground of unfaithfulness.

“Timaya heard Empress was getting married to another man in the said Church and that’s why he stormed the church to disrupt the phantom wedding. Unknown to Timaya, the much talked about wedding took place on Saturday and it was between one of Empress best friends and her long-standing boyfriend.

“What you saw happen in church was a clear exhibition of a man in love and jealous of losing his loved one. I think what both lovers should do is to involve family members who would help them thrash all their differences, ”our source opined.

Empress, who confirmed the story to one of our reporters, however maintained a sealed lip. The police, she told us, had advised that she says nothing to the press. We could not however reach Timaya as his phone was switched off.

Police spokes man, Mr. Frank Mba, a Police Superintendent who confirmed our story said, “Following the incidence, Timaya has written a petition to us, saying that Empress amongst other allegations, had not only squandered an undisclosed sum of his money given to her to hold in trust, she had also gone beyond his back to remove the said vehicle from his house and without his permission.

You know it's difficult to get to the top, but falling is so easy. We all have to be careful.

CBN to sell five bailed banks 100% to foreign investors

By Omoh Gabriel of Vanguard with Agency report

CBN Governor Sanusi Lamido Sanusi said in London yesterday that the apex bank was ready to sell Union Bank, Intercontinental, Oceanic, Afribank and FinBank, 100 per cent to foreign investors.

But one of the foreign investors who spoke to Vanguard at about 8 pm yesterday on phone from London said that a pre-selection of the foreign investors was done by the CBN in July even before the announcement of August 14.

He stated that at the time of speaking with the paper the CBN team was meeting with each of those pre selected foreign investor whom he described as representing the interest of some powerful political power brokers in the country.

Sanusi who was quoted by Reuters while speaking in London at the conference the CBN governor called to reassure counter-party banks and foreign investors about the bailout said that he would not “stand in the way of any foreign banks taking a 100 per cent stake in the five Nigerian institutions”. The CBN also said that the five banks will be run as going concerns until new investors can be found to recapitalise them.

The Central Bank two weeks ago injected N400 billion into five banks and sacked their senior management, saying lax governance had left them so weakly capitalised that they posed a systemic risk.

Sanusi’s bailout, just two months after he took office at the helm of the regulator, shocked corporate Nigeria and initially panicked financial markets, sending the naira currency lower and triggering a stock market sell-off. S&P cut Nigeria’s speculative sovereign long-term foreign currency credit rating one notch to B-plus from BB-minus last week, citing the costly bank bailout and falling oil revenues.

It will be recalled that on March 23 this year Vanguard reported that Anti consolidation forces have regrouped with the hope of dissembling the banks and forcing a take over of the top five banks in the country. The grand plan by the group is to cause panic and uncertainty in the industry and make the target banks look unsafe for depositors.

Their aim, Vanguard gathered, is to cause loss of public confidence in the banking industry and compel the Federal Government to move in by injecting funds. Further, they ultimately plan to instigate government to take equity holdings in the targeted banks.

Vanguard investigations revealed that the group at work is made up of former bank owners who lost out during the consolidation exercise, a powerful clique in the present government, and some aggrieved persons in three of the six geopolitical zones in the country who felt left out in the consolidation exercise.

Presidency sources disclosed that those who felt left out in the consolidation exercise are grieved and are up in arms to recoup what they felt they lost during Obasanjo years.

Part of the plan hatched by the group is to ensure that incumbent Central Bank governor, Professor Charles Soludo does not get a second term. The plan is also to ensure that what ever gains that consolidation had is discredited. This it was learnt was meant to force the President to act quickly in matter of appointment of a successor to Soludo as they anticipate that the president’s slow move may scuttle their dreams and cause the renewal of Soludo appointment for a second term.

The group second game plan is to make Nigerian banks look un safe in the eye of the banking public. They have perfected their game by spreading rumour that some categories of banks are unsound and are on the verge of collapse.

The group is using this means to make depositors panic and undertake massive withdrawal of funds from the targeted banks in attempt to cause liquidity problem in the bank. In that state they hope to cause a take over by the government which may buy a stake in the bank and later sell to these privileged group who may be appointed in the interim into the board of these banks.

Now I am really curious about this Lamido guy...
What do you guys think is going on?

Twins bliss...

Twins: Double the work but Twice the fun.
OMG, I just looked into the eyes of the most beautiful twins I've ever seen. OK, maybe the only set of twins I've ever been lucky to touch. My neighbour's new bundles of joy. Awww, now I think I want to be a mother of twins. They are so adorable...

Here's a mothers poem for her twin babies
There's two to wash, there's two to dry,
There's two who argue, there's two who cry.
One's in the mud having a ball,
The other holds a crayon, another marked wall.
Some days seem endless, my patience grows thin.
Why was I chosen to be a mother of twins?
The answer comes clear at the end of each day,
As I tuck them in bed and to myself say,
There's two to kiss, there's two to hug,
And best of all, there's two to love!

Check out celebs and their twin babies
JLO and her twin babies

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie with their twins

Roger Federer and his twins...

P Diddy and his twins

Julia Roberts and her twins

Ricky Martins and his twin boys

Sarah Jessica Parker and her twins

Dennis Quaid and his twins

Lisa Marie Presley and her twins
Marcia Cross with her twins

Garcelle Beauvais Nilon with her twins

Patrick Dempsey and his twins...

Curious case...unidentical twins.

Black and white couple have twins. One twin is black, the other is white.
How does this happen?

Naija Entertainment news + Kunle Afolayan's 'The Figurine'

I'm not very busy at the moment, so I'm going to be doing a lot of blogging. You guys have to find a way to keep up with me :-)

This here is entertianment news...didnt find much in the softsell papers to report. But I read in Encomium mag that Timaya and Empress Njamah have parted ways. There was a story about him going to her church to retrieve a car, he shoved a deacon, the church boys beat him up and called the police who asked him to sit on the ground...blah, blah, blah...when the papers give a full report on this story I will bring it to you. But please dont tell anyone you read it here...o! :-)

Now to todays news all thanks to City People Magazine
MNET Face of Africa comes to Nigeria. For the first time, the prestigious modeling competition, MNET Face of Africa will be hosting it’s grand finale in Nigeria. The competition which has taken place in other parts of Africa will be hosted right here in Nigeria. Will keep you posted on the date.

Segun Arinze starts TV programme
Top actor, Segun Arinze has launched a new TV programme called ‘Smoke Screen’. The programme which airs on DBN television every Sunday from 5-6pm, kicked off on Sunday 16th August.

MTN sponsors Nigeria Music Festival. MTN has taken up the sponsorship of the inaugural edition of the Nigerian Music Festival (NMF), a show organised by Ruyi communications
The MTN Nigeria Music Festival will feature performances from both old and contemporary stars across diverse genres. Will keep you posted on this...

Alariwo of Africa plans 11th year anniversary. Cross over artiste, Rotimi Makinde, aka Alariwo of Africa will on Sept 5th 2009 celebrate his 11 years in the entertainment industry. The anniversary concert comes at Fantasy Land Ikoyi and will be anchored by singer Omawunmi. The show will feature KWAM1, 9ice, DJ Zeez, Bracket and many others. Congrats to him.

Julius Agwu set to release new album
Ace comedian, Julius Agwu is set to release his 2nd album titled ‘The Genius’. The album, according to Julius will trigger a lot of people’s interest, as it goes beyond people’s expectation. “There are love songs, gospel songs and of course comedy too. But what people should watch out for is the club hits that will make the industry.” Julius explained. Already he has two singles out, Hello my baby and For God”. Watch out for this album.

Isio Wanogho’s latest plan
Super model cum TV presenter, Isio Wanogho has something new coming up. For quite some time now, Isio has been working on her own label called Isio-DeLaVega. It’s a range of lovely evening dresses amongst others. So look out for this new venture...

Tuface Idibia, Omotola, Onyeka Onwenu join hunger strike
If not for this baby drama issue, Tuface Idibia would have been one of the best human beings ever. Maybe he is. Himself, Omotola, Onyeka Onwenu and others have joined the hunger strike embarked by Naija musicians. I honestly don't think this is the best way to go about reducing piracy...but they know best.
Onyeka Onwenu and Tuface

Omotola second left and Onyeka
Since the Hunger Tent was set up at the National Theatre, many artistes have visited to express solidarity with the unparalleled action which they hailed as the beginning of the emancipation of the Nigerian artiste. Among the many stars who have turned up at the tent are top comedian Ali Baba, front line actor and host of Gulder Ultimate Search, Bob Manuel Udokwu, musicians, Sammie Okposo, Mammuzee Brothers, Sunny Neji, Stella Monye, Baba Dee, Niga Raw, Obiwon, J.. Martin and Blacky, star producer, Laolu Akins and fuji artiste, Alhaji Sikiru Agboola. Other artistes who have visited the tent include Kanayo O. Kanayo, Stella Damasus Nzeribe, Slam, Segun Arinze, Rhymzo, Feladay, Mr. Kool, Emeka Ani, Patrick Doyle, Saint Obi, Alex Okoroji, Bimbo Manuel Bigiano Nkan Eledua, Singaholic, Emma Ogosi, Tony Grey, Wale Thompson, Atorise Lanre, Black Jesus, Eppi Fanio, Uchie the African Rock Star, Zik Zulu Okafor, Dickson Iroegbu, Alex Mouth, Sola Majeed, Kenneth Ehi-Choya, Tunji Sotimiri, Ayo Rotimi, Dr. Zimakoy, Ayo Omisiri, etc.
Good luck people!
*That's it*
Kunle Afolayan's 'The Figurine'
The synopsis of Figurine (Araromire) shows that it is a story of two buddies and a girl…all down on their luck have their lives changed when one of them discovers ‘Araromire’ a mysterious fingurine in a n abandoned shrine which, according to legend bestows seven years of good luck. But no one told them about the next seven year.
Stars in the movie includes Ramsey Nouah, Funlola Aofiyebi-Raimi, Tosin Sido, Omoni Oboli and Muraina Oyelami.
Check out pictures of the making...

The actor premiered the movie some days back at Genesis Cinema located at The Palms, Lekki.

Kunle Afolayan described Figurine as a multi-cultural and contemporary feature highlighting the essence and efficacy of tradition, friendship, betrayal and love. It transcends both the ancient and modern day.
Check on it...

2009 MOBO Awards Best African Act nominees
Amadou and Mariam
Baaba Maal
Femi Kuti (And the winner is...)
Oumou Sangare
Salif Kelta

Check out more nominees here...