lundi 31 octobre 2011

Armed Robbers Strike Again in P/H. Kill Two (Graphic Photo)

I told y'all about the incessant robberies going on lately in the garden city of Port Harcout. The dare devils struck again yesterday morning at about 9.30 am, at Everyday Emporium Supermarket, Rumuola, branch.

Some staff of the supermarket were conveying money from one branch to the other, with police escort, when the gun men, believed to have trailed them, struck.

The vehicle conveying the money was ambushed at Umurelu Street side, behind Rumuola Junction and was sprayed with bullets, killing a staff of the supermarket and a police escort. Two other policemen in a back up escort vehicle had gun shot wounds.

Graphic photo of the sad incident after the cut...

Happy New Month

No matter what people may think of you or say about you, I hope when you look in the mirror, you absolutely love the person staring right back at you! Because loving yourself unconditionally, regardless of your failures, is the the greatest gift you can give to you! Besides, loving yourself will help you get anything and everything done in this world. 

So, don't worry about what others may think; what you think about yourself is much more important than what others think of you.

And remember, you are beautiful in the eyes of God, and at the end of the day, that's all that matters. 
Happy new month.

Drake Ft. Lil Wayne - The Motto Lyrics

Here is The Motto Lyrics is performed by Drake Ft. Lil Wayne @ monsterlyrics.blogspot.comSend “The Motto” Ringtone to your Cell[lil wayne]i’m the fuckin man, y’all don’t get it do ya?you get the money everybody acting like they knew yago uptown, new york citysome spanish girls love me like i’m on twittertell uncle luke about miami tooclubbing hard, the women ain’t much to dorich play, got a condo

Rob (of One Chance) - This This Lyrics

Here is This This Lyrics is performed by Rob (of One Chance) @ monsterlyrics.blogspot.comSend “This This” Ringtone to your Celli am more babysee i let the jay upon itanyway you want itname the place and timeso i can … your body tonighti am not gonna waste my time and justi am gonna give you something moresomething real something is gonna make you feel love likegirl what i am gonna give you is

Naija Comedians know how to pick 'em

 These funny men like fine fine girls sha!..:-)

Dampte, Cold Juice open MTV EMA Week in Belfast

African born rap artist Dampte last night opened the official MTV EMA week kicking off the events leading up to the MTV EMA award ceremonies on November 6th, 2011  Performing with Dampte was Cold Juice (CJ). Both artists are signed to Bugatti Music Group. The event was held at the Oh Yeah Music Centre in with a live audience.

Dampte has also been listed to perform at the MTV EMA party on November 4th 2011 at Scratch Night Club and the MTV EMA after-party at the Box (Belfast) Odyssey arena, venue of the Awards Ceremony, hosted by Tim Westwood, the UK’s most sought after DJ/Presenter.

Dampte's new single "Are You Ready", which features T-Pain’s Nappy Boy artiste Tay Dizm, is now available on iTunes and was released via Bugatti Entertainment. The single is a critical success and it is
receiving a great amount of attention from notable commercial radio stations around the country.

Dampte, born Oluwaseun Oluyole, is a gifted writer and electrifying performer, who has successfully rocked audiences across Nigeria, UK, and beyond. The university graduate is ready top takeover the airwaves in Europe and to attack the US music market with his catchy music and witty wordplay, combined with rewind-worthy beats.

Dampte is currently working on his debut album, "Los Gidi Certified", has got something in it for everyone. From laid back tunes to fast paced rhythms, Dampte has managed to compose and successfully record multiple hits so far.

Jessica Simpson Expecting First Baby

The 31 year old singer, actress and fashion mogul announced today that she's going to be a mom. Good news. Congrats to her!

The Small Print: An Inspirational Christian Novel by Abimbola Dare

Excerpt from the book...

Chapter One: The moment he stepped into room 101 and saw Jennifer Lennox sitting behind the polished mahogany table, Wale Ademola knew he was a dead man. He shut the glass panelled door behind him with a click and glared. It had to be an illusion. He checked again. Nope. This was for real. She was here. What on earth was his ex-wife doing in his office? 

“Good morning Wale.” The woman sitting next to Jennifer spoke first. Her name was Coleen something from HR. She’d interviewed him only last year, at the start of his job as a temp administrator. She peered at him. “Is something wrong?
He started to come forward, stumbled and bumped into a stationery cupboard. “Sorry. I… I must have the wrong room. I am here for a promotion interview for the trainee project manager position.” It had to be the wrong room.
 Coleen waved a piece of paper at him. “You didn’t get the confirmation email?”
He nodded. His mind swirled with questions and he tried his best to look relaxed. Had Jennifer traced him to London? Or was this a nightmare?
Coleen gave a reassuring smile. “It will be over before you know it.”
My life will be over before you know it. “Uh-huh.”
Jennifer gave nothing away with her expression, and when she glanced at him it was like she was looking right through him. As though he wasn’t even there. She shifted in her seat and the aqueous floral scent of her perfume smacked his nostrils. He coughed, spluttered. He’d given her the fragrance for her twenty- eighth birthday last year... a day before he – should he say left her? He dropped his gaze to the table.
“You look a tad bit uncomfortable,” Coleen said, concern brimming on the edge of her voice. “Take a seat.” She gestured at the only vacant chair in the room.
In front of Jennifer? God forbid bad thing. He sagged into the chair like an invalid. “Thank you.”
Beads of perspiration beneath his armpits prickled. Trouble had landed in his backyard. Jealous enemies from his village in Nigeria had chosen the best time to strike their juju, African black magic. Wale mentally sent a curse in return. Thunder fire them all. Including Jennifer Lennox.
Jennifer tossed a stray lock of curled blond hair away from her face and held out her hand. Obviously, his curse did not work. “Mister Ademola,” she said. “An absolute pleasure to meet you.”
Mister? Her performance deserved a standing ovation. He sat up straight with a tight grin, convinced his expression must look like one on a mug shot. “Same here.” His hands remained on the table, numb. If Jennifer noticed, she didn’t react. She turned to Coleen. “Ready when you are.”
“We almost cancelled the interview when Maryann called in sick.” Coleen gave Jennifer a grateful nod. “Thank your stars that Andrea came in on a short notice. She will lead the interview.”
Andrea? A chill spread across his body. Jennifer changed her name? He swallowed. “T-that’s fine.”
Jennifer pointed to the jug on the table. “Water?”
Her nails were perfectly manicured, as always, metallic blue with silver sparkles.
Rat poison would be perfect. “No. No thanks.”
She sipped water from her glass. “I will allow you a few minutes to get yourself together.”
Wale squinted at the window. Determined rays from the sun streamed into the room even though it was barely ten. Somewhere down below, a car tire scrunched against the asphalt. The engine of a bus shuddered to a stop and the doors hissed open. Stall owners’ voices were faint in the distance as they paraded sun hats and ice-lollies. A perfect summer day. Why hadn’t he called in sick? Cancelled the interview?
“Did you bring your identification documents?” Coleen asked.
He snapped his head up. “Documents?”
“Yes. I included the list of acceptable documentation in the email.” She looked a bit irritated. “Your passport?”
Crap. He’d been hoping she’d forget. “Do you have to see it now?”
Coleen’s apologetic smile had a life span of about a nanosecond. “Immigration rules.”
“Uh, of course.” Wale shoved a reluctant hand into his breast pocket. He fished out a passport that had once been vibrantly green and shook it lightly. The frayed edges coughed out a small cloud of thick, black powder.
He forced a smile. “I dropped it in a pile of soot on my way here.” Yeah right. More like good luck charm from Nigeria to distract immigration officers at Heathrow from staring too hard at the passport. They were usually wary of visitors like him coming into the UK: Immigrants with no prospects of ever returning to their country of origin. The charm had worked. Despite the filth, they hadn’t asked a question when he’d presented it. He placed the document into Coleen’s open hand. “Here you go.”
“You are a Nigerian citizen?” Coleen asked. She blew away some more of the black powder and flipped to the middle page. She studied the page for a long moment. Wale kept his focus on the space behind her head. To the right was an old Xerox photocopier churning out documents with an industrious hum. He stared at the papers as they floated unto the receiving tray, counting in sync with slow eye movements.
“Your UK residence permit is a temporary one? Expires in eight months?” Coleen’s eyebrows rose in a probing arc. “This is a permanent position.”
Wale swallowed, wiped his palms on his thigh. “I will be entitled to a permanent residency real soon.”
Jennifer suddenly perked up, fluffed the ruffles of the stripped orange shirt underneath her suit. “You certainly will. Won’t you?” Her Irish accent was more pronounced than usual. As it often was when she wanted to be sarcastic.
He stared pointedly at Coleen. “Syms & Syms offers work permits to foreign workers right? I was thinking of-”
“We don’t.” Coleen cut in with a frown. “Not anymore. We exceeded our quota for work permits last week. Are you expecting to get a work permit from us?”
Last week? Talk about bad luck. “No I am not. I was just asking for information purposes. My, uh, wife is a British citizen.” Stupid answer.
“If you are sure...I guess we can proceed.” Coleen looked at him as though she did not entirely believe him.
“Hundred percent.” Wale nodded vigorously. “You have nothing to worry about.”
Jennifer’s cold, cerulean eyes pierced Coleen with a look. “The applicant is an illegal immigrant, and the interview will continue?” She gave half a chuckle. “Is that how Syms & Syms works?”
Her words stabbed his gut. Illegal Immigrant.
Coleen’s eyes flicked between them as if to question Jennifer’s sudden coldness. “Andrea, until Wale’s visa runs out, he cannot be considered an illegal immigrant and will be treated fairly. Trust me, when his visa expires, we will know. And we will deal with it then.” She slid the passport across the table. Wale failed to catch it and the document smacked against the ceramic floor and landed by his feet.
Coleen continued. “Let’s get on with the interview?”
Jennifer spread her arms out as if to say “whatever.”
The veins in Wale’s head throbbed. Why didn’t he hit the delete key when the cursed job advert landed in his inbox? Because he was an over ambitious idiot with a bank account the size of a dried pimple, that’s why.
Coleen looked at him, an expectant expression on her face. “Well?”
He sighed with weariness, feeling as though he was about to be strapped to an electric chair for a crime he did not commit. Finally he nodded. “I am ready.”
“Africa!” Wale’s colleague called out as soon as he returned to the main office floor of Syms & Syms, the IT project management consulting firm that employed him. Wale groaned as Q stumbled through scurrying assistants and ringing phones towards the cubicle they shared. Q’s real name was Quaddam, but everyone called him Q. They had been working in the same department- Admin and Supplies- since Wale started at the company. Unlike Wale, Q loved the brain- deadening post office runs, monotonous stationary upkeep and general servitude to the entire company that had been their duties for a little over a year. The position gave Q an opportunity to be the first to hear office gossip while it was still sizzling. On the bright side, Q’s enthusiasm usually made Wale’s days slightly shorter and more bearable. But not today.
“Get lost Q,” Wale muttered. “And stop calling me Africa.”
Q gripped a bunch of manila files under his arm as though his life depended on it. “Not until I finish my investigation.” He wheeled a spare chair close and slammed his files on top of Wale’s desk, unsettling the dust around the pen holders. 
“What is it?” Wale asked. He reached for a copy of the IT News magazine on his desk, and hoped that Q would take a hint and get lost.
“Andrea Lennox interviewed you,” Q said, hardly noticing his lack of enthusiasm.
“She left a massive IT firm in Manchester to help shape things up here for a few months.”
“Why travel all the way from Manchester to London? Syms & Syms has never been in the Times top hundred IT companies to work for.” Q let out a chuckle. “Or top five thousand.”
“Your point is?”
“My point is why?”
Wale returned to the magazine and fingered it; moving his hands across the images at a snail’s pace. ”I don’t know. Leave me alone.”
Q nodded but didn’t shift from his position. ”I see the interview didn’t go well?”
“It was a blast.” Wale replied in perfect monotone. “Go away.”
“Feisty.” Q wiggled his index finger. “Don’t worry, Wale. You’ll get the job you have always wanted. Then you will get promoted and leave me here all by myself.”
Wale placed his palm on his chest and feigned distress. “I’m heartbroken.”
“Okay.” Q sat bolt upright. “One more question and I am gone.”
“Five seconds.”
 “Are you and Andrea related in any way, shape or form?” Q’s beady eyes shone with curiosity.
 Adrenaline propelled Wale out of his seat. “Me and Jen-Andrea related? Why would you think that?”
“Just answer me.”
“Why do you Africans answer questions with questions?”
“Are you going to talk or not?”
“See what I mean?”
Wale took a deep breath. “This is not the time to muck about.”
Q tapped his chin and stared at the ceiling as though his answer was engrained in the perforated tiles. Finally, he lowered his head and said, “I just ordered an ID card for the new project manager.”
“In her passport, her surname is hyphenated.”
Wale’s heart thumped. “What has that got to do with the price of fish?”
“Wait till I tell you,” Q said and then paused.
“I am waiting.”
 “The first half of her name is the same as yours.”
“Her full name is Andrea Ademola- Lennox.”
The room whirled. Wale closed his eyes. “No. No way.”
“Yep,” Q said. “I saw it myself. Now what was that about the price of fish?”

To read more, check out
Buy it now: :
The author is running a contest and anyone who joins her Facebook fan page may win a free ecopy!:

About the Author
Abimbola Dare started writing on her blog, in 2007. Following the birth of her daughter, she took a break from blogging and wrote the novel, The Small Print which will be released in November 2011. Abimbola Dare is currently on a blog tour and would love to visit your blog to share her story. Please contact her at  or at her website: to read more sample chapters

I was born normal but then stopped growing - Paw Paw

The actor tells Entertainment Express:
I was born in the early 80s. I mark my birth every 20th of February. I was a normal baby when I was born. I can’t say that this was when I stopped growing but I just grew up to find myself like this. I just found myself like this and I can’t question God but I keep working hard to become somebody in life.
He also talks about he lost his father at an early age under mysterious circumstances. Read the full interview here

Sarah Ofili shows off her engagement ring


After only 72 days of marriage, Kim Kardashsian files for divorce

From TMZ
Kim Kardashian filed for divorce Monday morning, after 72 days of not-so-wedded bliss to Kris Humphries... TMZ has learned. We're told even though the marriage was short, she is not seeking an annulment. It's a garden variety divorce, in which Kim cites "irreconcilable differences."

The date of separation is listed as today, Oct. 31, 2011.  According to the docs, Kim wants Kris to foot his own lawyers' fees and she'll pay hers.  And, she wants the court to reject any move by Kris to get spousal support.

And, the docs list the length of the marriage as a measly 2 months.

Kim has hired disso-queen Laura Wasser, who has repped the likes of Britney Spears, Maria Shriver, Angelina Jolie, Ryan Reynolds, and Robyn Gibson, Mel's almost ex-wife.
 Ryan Seacrest, the producer of her E! reality show, today tweeted:

Errmm...anyone surprised? I just hope she didn't get married and file for divorce so soon just for ratings for her TV show...that would be too...sick!

Trey Songz - Sex Soundz Lyrics

Here is Sex Soundz Lyrics is performed by Trey Songz @ monsterlyrics.blogspot.comSend “Sex Soundz” Ringtone to your Cellwe’ve been kicking for a while mammaand i am loving you all your style mammayou’ve been chilling come get it clean it over heretake care of me like you was my mommaspend so much time always on my mindyou and me the tv some candles and some winewatching a movie from my jacuzzican

Sterling Simms - Switch It Up Lyrics

Here is Switch It Up Lyrics is performed by Sterling Simms @ monsterlyrics.blogspot.comSend “Switch It Up” Ringtone to your Cellhey girl you got me a central bad position all dayso missin like i think you ..gonna .. get your mind rightget your get your mind righti’ve been trueso almost everything i told you i said it then i told yai think you me to .. get your mind right, get your mind righthook:

Trey Songz - Boop!!! Lyrics

Here is Boop!!! Lyrics is performed by Trey Songz @ monsterlyrics.blogspot.comSend “Boop!!!” Ringtone to your Cellshorty that ass like a truck the way you are backing it up uushorty the way you are walking around is …making me do something freaky to you uuugirl and .. hug your ..i could get hugging on a tedy beari wanna take your clothes off right there on your underwearthen i will take my hand

Immortal Technique Ft. Mojo of Dujeous - Eyes In The Sky Lyrics

Here is Eyes In The Sky Lyrics is performed by Immortal Technique Ft. Mojo of Dujeous @ monsterlyrics.blogspot.comSend “Eyes In The Sky” Ringtone to your Cell[chorus:]i am the eye in the sky looking at you i can read your mindi am the maker of rules dealing with fools i can cheat you blind [eye in the sky by alan parsons project][verse 1: immortal technique]yeah, my truth is the archet of coming

Immortal Technique Ft. Diabolic, Swave Sevah & Gomez - Goonies Never Die Lyrics

Here is Goonies Never Die Lyrics is performed by Immortal Technique Ft. Diabolic, Swave Sevah & Gomez @ monsterlyrics.blogspot.comSend “Goonies Never Die” Ringtone to your Celland it's not smart to be dumbit's not smart to be dumb bumb de dumb dumb dumbback where i come from it's not considered smart to be dumb[immortal technique:] okay little empwanala, time for bed.[empwanala:] uncle felipe[

Immortal Technique - Burn This Lyrics

Here is Burn This Lyrics is performed by Immortal Technique @ monsterlyrics.blogspot.comSend “Burn This” Ringtone to your Cellthis is immortal techniqueharlem, new yorkall over the worldand this is the martyrif you are listening to thisit is your responsibilityto burn this for every single motherfucker you knowSend “Burn This” Ringtone to your CellThis image may be subject to copyright.

Immortal Technique - Sign Of The Times Lyrics

Here is Sign Of The Times Lyrics is performed by Immortal Technique @ monsterlyrics.blogspot.comSend “Sign Of The Times” Ringtone to your Cellimagine the word of god without religious groupiesimagine a savior born in a mexican hooptypersecute a single mother in a modern mangeryou crucify him again like a fucking strangertears of the anger are worth more than diamonds or rubiesimagine being locked

Mac Miller - All This Lyrics

Here is All This Lyrics is performed by Mac Miller @ monsterlyrics.blogspot.comSend “All This” Ringtone to your Cellwe spending all this moneyspending all this shinepiffing all this kuddispending all this timei'm feeling better than ever beforethis my life for... better... or forall this moneyspending alll this shineand it's all so funnycause it's all just finei'm feeling better than ever

Mighty Mighty Bosstones - The Ballad Of Candlepin Paul Lyrics

Here is The Ballad Of Candlepin Paul Lyrics is performed by Mighty Mighty Bosstones @ monsterlyrics.blogspot.comSend “The Ballad Of Candlepin Paul” Ringtone to your Cellthe left to run in party on the dead disaster to plot the gunshot thecandle pin the bay delinquent east class clown time to disaster pin thelong time and departures the danger lover the wild life the rusted wet copthe party on the

Ben Murray Bruce screened out of Bayelsa Governorship race

Silverbird chairman, Ben Murray Bruce, was yesterday screened out of the Bayelsa governorship race by the Gubernatorial Screening Appeal Committee of the PDP in Bayelsa State, for possessing dual citizenship.

The committee only cleared three candidates; Youpele Kalango, Christopher Enai and Henry Seriake Dickson as eligible candidates to contest in the upcoming Guber election.

The panel also excluded the name of current governor of the state, Timipre Sylva, for allegedly operating foreign accounts.

So if you are a Nigerian and American citizen, you are not qualified to govern a state in Nigeria? Hmmmm...

Genevieve Nnaji's favourite things

1. Dress color - Black
2. Designer purse - Chanel
3. Designer shoes - Louboutin heels ,
4. Jewelry - cocktail ring
5. Accessory - BB phone
6. Makeup product - MUD
She revealed this on twitter this morning via a contest with her followers.

And Linda, this is news because?
I'm just looking for

Frustrated HIV Patient Bathes Counsellor With Acid

On Friday Oct 21, 2011, the most unfortunate thing happened to a nurse at the Rivers State School of Health, Port harcourt. An HIV patient bathed his counsellor and staff of the health institution, Mrs Ibuwari George, in acid. 

The attacker (a man in his forties) had scheduled an appointment with his counsellor that day, for further counselling on the effects of the drugs he was taking, and not suspecting any ulterior motive, Mrs George, who is a counsellor for HIV infected mothers and children agreed to the session. A few minutes into the meeting, the dying HIV patient, without provocation, poured a whole tin of acid on the unsuspecting nurse. 

Prior to this unholy visit, the patient was said to have been calling and complaining of same feeling to which the innocent nurse had counseled him to keep faith with the prescribed drugs. He had earlier been certified sick with very low blood count after a test was conducted on him which prompted his being placed on drugs for boosting etc.
And since he was placed on blood boosting drugs, he was always calling and keeping his counselor posted on the developments but on this particular call, this wicked agent of death seeking for treatment of HIV infection, rather than make do with the nurse’s usual advice and encouragement went gagger, discharging a whole tin of acid on the unsuspecting nurse who is still hospitalized and writhing in pains.
Targeting his victim, the patient was said to have waited patiently until Mrs Ibuwari Geroge came back from her lunch break and while explaining to her how he had fared so far, suddenly opened a bag he carried and brought out a tin which he instantaneously discharged on her and which turned out to be acid.
Mrs Ibuwari shattered at this point, had a hell of raw deal with her clothes and parts of body torn. Largely affected were her chest and lower parts of her breasts.
In the midst of the commotion aroused, staff and other visitors attracted to the scene descended on the blood thirsty HIV patient and would have lynched him to death but for the quick intervention of rescuers.
He has since been handed over to the police.
By Chris Konkwo

Nigerian Students in Ghana Pay N155 Billion as Tuition Annually

According to the Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria, Malam Lamido Sanusi, 71,000 Nigerian students in Ghana currently pay an annual tuition of N155Billion to Ghana. Meanwhile the whole government budget for all Federal universities in Nigeria annually is a N121Billion.

The CBN Governor was drawing attention to the on-going serious capital flight from Nigeria.

Doesn't this call for a sober reflection? They only mentioned Ghana, what about the thousands of students in Malaysia (I hear there are so many of them there) in Europe, in India, in the US etc, paying trillions of Naira to get quality education. Meanwhile, you will hardly find foreign students in Nigeria. Obviously there's need to reform the education system in Nigeria. So instead of complaining about money leaving Nigeria, they should do something about improving the quality of education in this country, so parents will stop sending their kids abroad.

Eric Saade Ft. Dev - Hotter Than Fire Lyrics

Here is Hotter Than Fire Lyrics is performed by Eric Saade Ft. Dev @ monsterlyrics.blogspot.comSend “Hotter Than Fire” Ringtone to your Cellshe's cooler than iceflyer than windhotter than firethis is the nighti'm burnin' withinshe's hotter than firei say i'm flammable i'm tntlight it upshe's hotter than firei say i'm flammable i'm tntlight it upshe's hotter than fireSend “Hotter Than Fire”

Ruggedman Launches His Twentieth September Wear

The rapper officially launched his fashion line - Twentieth September Wear (T.S.W) on Saturday 29th, October, 2011, at XL Lounge, in Lagos.

Not only is he making clothes and shoes, he's also making wrist watches. Say what you like, but this is highly commendable. And the watches look cool. Big congrats to you man.

dimanche 30 octobre 2011

Young Chris - Still Creeping Lyrics

Here is Still Creeping Lyrics is performed by Young Chris @ monsterlyrics.blogspot.comSend “Still Creeping” Ringtone to your Celli see you got meyeahi know you ..dress the piece, dress the piece ..little finger to my neighbors that .. for the flavorsshot the bitches with the fabors ..before you haterswon’t ..before you fix about the ..the same aware here on the ..shit.. guess on my guess

Nicole Scherzinger - Tomorrow Never Dies Lyrics

Here is Tomorrow Never Dies Lyrics is performed by Nicole Scherzinger @ monsterlyrics.blogspot.comSend “Tomorrow Never Dies” Ringtone to your Cell[...]but i'm thinking now or neverdoes my ... to stop and sing you the love how does it feel to be the one, one i'm touchingi like how it feels to be the one touching youand how does it feel to be the one, one i'm lovingi like how it feels to

Wale Ft. Lloyd - Sabotage Lyrics

Here is Sabotage Lyrics is performed by Wale Ft. Lloyd @ monsterlyrics.blogspot.comSend “Sabotage” Ringtone to your Cell[intro: wale]it's important to go right into the booth after the argumenti think it's only right, hoarse and everythinglike fuck it though, what's up[verse 1: wale]pessimism is all that she knowcause every brother she go with always pick up and goi been trying to show you

Fat Joe Ft. Jadakiss & Dre - Dopeman Lyrics

Here is Dopeman Lyrics is performed by Fat Joe Ft. Jadakiss & Dre @ monsterlyrics.blogspot.comSend “Dopeman” Ringtone to your Cell[fat joe]trying to cut the top off the porscheput a bitch in the frontbetter yet hundred sticks for the niggas that fronti got a steel in them packs, got em right in the trunkshoot the snap back off your muthaf-ckin head if you wanti got a guardian angel, yeaf she stay

Prima Rouge: The new ready to wear collection - Rebellion

Prima Rouge started in 2009 with the intention of filling a unique gap in the art of dress making in Nigeria and beyond her borders. The brand encompasses professionalism; quality and convenience. They use their resources, experience and expertise to deliver the best bespoke, off-the-rack and bridal garments to you using our pristine finishing and inventive designs.

They do - Ready to wear, Bespoke and Bridal dresses. Continue to see more...


Prima Rouge believes fashion is an artistic expression that captures the imagination of how a garment relates to the human form.  Our pieces are unique and well-designed; simple yet colourful with a flair for ingenious detailing.

Slogan - Fashioned To Inspire

About their new collection: Rebellion

The ready-to-wear pieces from their new collection are unique and well-designed; inspired by geometry as well as the relationship between form and function. The collection is called rebellion because the pieces are somewhat disjointed do not relate to each other. Instead, each garment is tailored to a certain kind of persona and life-style and in so doing; it tells a story behind the individual who will be drawn to that piece.

 Their entire collection was launched at Fashion Week London as it consisting of 22 pieces; 10 for men and 12 for women.

Prima Rouge is glad to support local communities in the area of donations to motherless shelters and rebuilding of schools.

Prima Rouge is based in Nigeria, Africa. They also operate in Europe as well as Northern America
Photography by Moussa Moussa
Styled by Ezinne Chinkata and Terence Sambo
Makeup by Banke Meshida for BM Pro
Hair by OlaHair

Excitement and a crowd of fans as 2face signs Y! Magazine! Minister for Youth drops in

Minister of Youth, Adebola of Y! Magazine, and Tuface
It was a convergence of fans, well wishers and supporters as Tuface Idibia and the Nigerian Minister for Youth Development, Bolaji Abdullahi, visited at Chocolate Royale beside The Hub Media store at the Palms for the signing of the sixth issue of Y! Magazine.
“I never miss an opportunity to mingle with my fans”, 2face said. “They are the ones that have brought me this far and I owe them a lot in terms of loyalty. I can’t thank them enough. It is also an opportunity for me to know how they feel with respect to my next release, so that I can know what they want and give it to them the way they want it. I thank God for them, you know now!”

2face is the cover star for Y! Magazine’s Celebration Issue, released to the public last week, and which features a spectacular photo shoot chronicling 15 years in the music industry. The magazine also features interviews with some of the brightest superstars across Nigeria, including entrepreneur Hassan Rilwan, photographer Aisha Augie-Kuta and How to make chocolate, a feature on Chocolate City led by Audu Maikori, MI and others. It also features an exclusive interview with the new federal minister for youth development. 

The minister, who visited the signing as part of activities during an official tour in Lagos, congratulated Y! for its impressive work in constantly emphasizing youth culture. “I really appreciate what you guys are doing here and am always excited whenever I am in your midst,” he said. “It is an opportunity to help in solving the nation’s problems, feel the pulse of those who constitute the bulk of the nation’s active population and also identify with your successful efforts to make a difference.”

Fans and other guests joined 2face in the crowded Chocolate Royale, with the superstar taking the time to craft special personal notes for everyone who got a magazine from the story or brought theirs – amidst pictures and lot of laughter! 
“We are excited that 2face Idibia was able to do this for his fans,” Adebola Williams, managing editor of the magazine, said. “He is easily Nigeria’s biggest music talent at the moment and undoubtedly an inspiration for millions of Nigerians across the world; we are glad that he headlines the Celebration Issue and even more excited by the reception that edition has had over the country since it hit the market.” 
Y! magazine has, over one year now with spectacular covers and envelope-pushing content, established itself as the nation’s premium purveyor of youth culture, as the flagship platform of the Y! brands, which include Y! TV, Y! Radio, Y! In D’ News and YNaija, the popular online portal. More information is on

Photos: Chocolate City Stars Storm Kenya

Brymo, Ramsey Noah, Genevieve Nnaji and Ice Prince
More photos after the cut...

Brymo, Ikechuwkwu Anoke (MTECH), Ice Prince, and Audu Maikori