vendredi 16 février 2007


Some of you might find what I have below weird or maybe freaky? I found it informative...and a little depressing. Some of your favourite celebrities are dead but do you know how they really died? Some of these celebrities killed themselves in the most unusual manner. Some of them were killed by the most unusual people (Like Marvin Gaye, killed by his own father), some of them died by the most unusual accident and some died by sheer bad luck. Like 7year old Jessica Dubroff, who died trying to be the world's youngest pilot. (She died in a plane she was flying. Why would anyone allow a 7yr old to fly a plane when a sixteen yr old can't drive a car?). Also 5yr old Connor Clapton who fell to his death from a 53 story building. And Donny Hathaday, who threw himself from a 15 story building. Don't you ever wonder why people kill themselves? What manner of pain could they be going through that was so unbearable that they feel the only way to stop hurting is to die? It's a mystery! And may we never understand or experience that kind of pain. Anyway below is a list of some of the world's biggest names and the unusual ways they died. Enjoy it! Or not.

Gianni Versace - clothing designer 1997 --- murdered by serial killer.

Tommy Tucker - musician 1982 --- carbon tetrachloride poisoning sustained
while he was finishing floors in his home.

Tennessee Williams - writer 1983 --- choked to death on a nose spray bottle cap that accidentally dropped into his mouth while he was using the spray. He was 71.

Tupac Shakur - musician 1996 --- murdered in drive-by shooting.

Gig Young (Byron Elsworth Barr) - actor 1978 --- shot and killed his wife of 3 weeks, Kim Schmidt, then shot himself.

Ray Combs - talk show host (Family Feud) 1996 --- hanged himself on the night of June 2, 1996, with bed sheets in his hospital room at Glendale Adventist Hospital while on a 72-hour "suicide watch."

Selena (Quintanilla Perez) - singer 1995 --- shot by the president of her fan club.

Donny Hathaway - singer 1979 --- suicide by jumping from his room on the 15th floor of New York's Essex House Hotel.

Marilyn Monroe (Norma Jean Baker) 1962 --- drug overdose, probably suicide.

Jessica Dubroff - (age 7) 1996 --- plane crash - attempting to become the youngest pilot to fly cross-country.

Bruce Lee (Li Yuen Kam) - actor 1973 --- died suddenly from a swollen brain.

Anna Nicole Smith. Died Feb 8th 2007. Death a mystery. Still under investigation. Suspicion: Drug overdose

Elvis Presley 1977 --- accidental drug overdose. He died while sitting on the toilet.

Bob Marley - musician 1981 --- brain tumor, at the age of 36.

Marvin Gaye (Marvin Pentz Gay, Jr.) - singer 1984 --- murdered on his birthday by his father.

Brandon Lee - actor 1993 --- shot by a gun firing blanks, while filming the movie "The Crow." His missing scenes were later filled-in by computer animation.

John Lennon 1980 --- shot to death by a mentally ill fan.

Known as "That Fat Guy" on Saturday Night Live, Farley died of a drug overdose at the age of 33. He was found in his pajama bottoms in a pool of his own vomit just inside the door of his Chicago condominium.

William Holden - actor 1981 --- found dead in his apartment. He had been drinking, and apparently fell, struck his head on an end table, and bled to death

Jon-Erik Hexum - actor 1984 --- playfully shot himself with a blank-loaded pistol on the set of TV spy show "Cover Up." The concussion forced a chunk of his skull into his brain; he died six days later.

Elizabeth Hartman - actress 1987 --- fell to her death from a fifth floor window in a bizarre reflection of a character in her staring 1966 movie "The Group."

Phil Hartman (Philip Edward Hartmann) 1998 -- shot by his wife, who then committed suicide.

Owen Hart - WWF wrestler 1999 --- died while performing a stunt in the wrestling ring. He was being lowered into the ring by a cable, when he fell 70 ft. to his death, snapping his neck.

Olivia Goldsmith - author, "First Wives Club" 2004 --- complications resulting from anesthesia during plastic surgery.

Rajiv Gandhi - prime minister of India from 1984 until 1989 1991 --- killed by a bomb, hidden in a bouquet of flowers, which exploded in his hand. Like his mother, Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated.

Conor Clapton - son of musician Eric Clapton 1991 --- fell out of 53rd floor window at the age of 5.

John Belushi 1982 --- drug overdose.

Neil Bonnett - race car driver 1994 --- car crash, killed during practice at the Daytona International Speedway.

Diana Spencer - Princess of Wales 1997 --- car crash while eluding paparazzi.

Isadora Duncan - actress 1927 --- accidental strangulation when her scarf caught in car wheel

Salvatore "Sonny" Bono 1998 --- crashed into a tree while skiing.

River Phoenix - actor 1993 --- drug overdose on the sidewalk in front the Viper Club in Hollywood on Halloween.

Bob Crane - actor 1978 --- murdered in hotel room

Nelson Eddy - actor / singer 1965 --- suffered a stroke while entertaining on stage in Miami Beach. He died the next day.

Dominique Dunne - actress ("Poltergeist") 1982 --- choked by boyfriend, John Sweeny. She died after being in a coma for 5 days.

Karen Carpenter - singer 1983 --- heart failure caused by anorexia nervosa, at age 32.

Jack Cassidy - actor 1976 --- died in a fire, while asleep on the couch in his apartment.

Al Capone - Chicago gangster 1947 --- syphilis.

Lucille Desiree Ball 1989 --- died after undergoing heart surgery.

Of all those listed above, whose death was the saddest, heart-wrenching, depressing and the most unbelievable of them all? I think its 5year Connor Clapton, falling off a 53 story building. Where were the adults? That's the saddest way for a young innocent boy to die. May any of our children not die that way. Amen!

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