mercredi 17 mars 2010

Hakeem Kae-Kazim filming in home country of Nigeria

Nigerian-born, United Kingdom-trained actor Hakeem Kae-Kazim who is known for Hollywood blockbusters like 'X Men Origins: Wolverine', The Fourth Kind and Hotel Rwanda, is back in his home country of Nigeria filming his latest flick ‘Inale’.

Hakeem stars in the Nigerian film ‘Inale’, with Jeta Amata (Amazing Grace, Alexa Affair, Queen) directing this wonderful story. The film is set to the music of the RENOWNED Bongos Ikwue and features songs from his past present and future. The story features an Idoma princess called Inale, who is said to have married the prize winner of a wrestling match and is played by Hollywood actress Caroline Chikezie (Eon Fluxe).
Hakeem Kae-Kazim will be back in Nigeria very soon to film another story with the same director and production team. With his aim of raising the bar of Nigerian movies and to make its presence really felt on the world stage, his face will stay familiar both on a local and international level.

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