mardi 27 avril 2010

Who is hosting the Hip Hop World Award?

As the date for this year’s Hip Hop World Awards draws nearer, many people are wondering who will host the fifth edition of Nigeria’s most glamorous music awards. Ever since its debut in 2006, the Hip Hop World Awards has always had a penchant for picking hosts that add colour, fun and sparkle to the event.

 In 2006, Darey hosted the maiden edition of the awards and his dazzling performance as well as mature composure made the event the talk of the town. The following year, the energetic D’ Banj and the delectable Tana were picked for hosting duties and they did not disappoint as their colourful banters raised the award ceremony to a whole new level. In 2008, the duo of Basket Mouth and Dakore Egbuson left the audience glued to their seats and reeling with laughter with their humourous jabs and quips. Last year, radio presenter and music video director Kemi Adetiba and R and B Star Banky W were the co-hosts of the Hip Hop World Awards and they did not fail to deliver on that historic night.

Now it’s 2010, and the world is guessing which celebrity or celebrities will be the host of this year’s awards? Speculations are high on who will rule the mic and guide gist through the night. No official statement has been made by the organizers yet concerning the hosts but from all indications it’s likely that they are going to pick hosts that no one might have considered. HHWA is full of surprises; and it’s not impossible that this year’s event might end up having more than the conventional host set up. Insiders have hinted that additional set of hosts could be added on stage and the yellow carpet to add an unprecedented flavour and dimension to the event.


Some of the names floating around the award secretariat include; Ramsey Noah, Kate Henshaw-Nuttal, IK (Wild Child), Genevieve, Munachi, Frank Edoho, Rugged Man, eLDee and others. Since 2010 is now regarded as a football year because of the world cup in South Africa some people are even suggesting that Super Eagles super star player Osaze Odemwingie should be picked.

Who will it eventually be? Only time will tell! At the end of the day, it is sure that whoever is chosen will live up to the prestige of Hip Hop World Awards.       

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