samedi 31 juillet 2010

BRT: New fares start tomorrow

 The regulatory authority of the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) scheme, Lagos Metropolitan Area Transport Authority (LAMATA) will tomorrow, August 1, commence the implementation of the newly introduced bus fares across its operational routes in the state.
The new increment is a difference of N20 to the existing fare across the board.

For instance, the bus fare from Mile 12 – Jibowu/Yaba which used to be N50 will now cost N70, while a trip from CMS to Mile 12 which used to be N100, now costs N120.


Managing Director of LAMATA, Dr. Dayo Mobereola, who announced the plan at a media briefing held at the agency’s headquarters, Ojota, attributed the harsh economic situation in the country as the major cause of the hike.

He added that other operational challenges, such as cost of daily operation culminated into the recent increase. in the transport fare.
Mobereola said: “When BRT commenced operation the cost of diesel was N60 and it wasn’t a month after we began operation that the cost increased to N90 and thereafter N120.”

He added that in spite of the changes the agency was constrained from increasing the fare, because of its concern to ameliorate the challenges residents faced in accessing transportation in the state.

He said; “But we are now at a point that we have to balance either providing a good system or allow the system to run down to the point where eventually the BRT will disappear leaving Lagosians to return back to danfo and molue which we don’t want to happen again.”

Mobereola, explained that in developed societies, like in London, bus fare is actually increased annually from the first of January, whether there was inflation or deflation as part of measures to meet challenges of demands.

He therefore, appealed for the cooperation from Lagos residents on the situation, stressing that it was geared towards serving them better and efficiently and not to inflict any further hardship on them.

Mobereola also disclosed that the agency plans to migrate from the regular issuing of ticket to passengers at the bus shelter to the introduction of e-ticket.

“Very soon we are going to migrate to e-ticketing system which is a lot easier to actually purchase. What we mean by this is that you don’t need to get to the bus shelter before you buy your bus fare, you can buy ticket at the supermarket and the difficulty of get the passengers balance would also be addressed.” He said.

He noted that the e-ticketing system will also help to reduce leakages “and once the leakages are reduced it means that we will use that to deal with the issue of maintenance and ensure that we do not increase the bus fare unnecessarily.”

Mobereola, also revealed that the agency had taken possession of 50 new buses which would be used to replace some of the buses that are presently in bad state.

In somne of the reactions by Lagos residents to the planned increment of fare

Mr. Moses Awodele said; “I do not have anything against the increment so long they can keep the service they render to the public intact; there is no problem with the fare increment.”

Also, Ayokunle ogunyinka on his own part said “He will support the increment if there is a reason behind it, they buy diesel to keep the buses on the road and the cost of diesel is too expensive, and for the fact that it is owned by the state government does not mean that they should run the business on debt,”

Source: Olashupo  Mabinuori

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