jeudi 15 septembre 2011

"Yes, Toni Payne Visits Me, But We Have Not Settled" - 9ice

Contrary to news making the rounds that estranged couple, 9ice and Toni Payne had reconciled/on the verge of reconciling, 9ice says it's not true. When asked if he and estranged wife Toni Payne had reconciled since she's always seen at his home, 9ice replied.
Yes, she comes to the house, but she has not returned. What happens is she comes to the house, because in our Yoruba tradition, she has the right to visit the father of her child or children and if there's space or accommodation, she can stay briefly to see her children. She's been coming to the house, but that doesn't mean that she was coming to beg me, or me begging her. That chapter is closed for now.

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