mardi 29 novembre 2011

Nobel Peace Prize Winner, Leyman Gbowee, Coming to Nigeria

Just heard that Leymah Gbowee, the 2011 Nobel Peace Price winner (Google her. She has an incredible story) is coming to Nigeria. This is the woman, who when the peace talks in Liberia started to break down threatened that she and hundreds of women would march naked in the streets. They believed her, because the key players all came back to the table and talks started again.

If you want to meet this phenomenal woman and hear incredible story, this is your opportunity, as she's scheduled to speak at two events in Lagos and both are free.

Continue to see the rest...

1) Public Lecture
Date: Friday, December 2, 2011.
Venue: The Incubator, Oniru, Lagos
Time: 10am (Registration starts at 8:30am).
Cost: Free!!!

2) Eagle Toastmasters Meeting
Date: Saturday, December 3, 2011
Venue: Foods of the Sun, Eko Hotel, Victoria Island, Lagos
Time: 9:45am
Cost: Free!!!

You shouldn't miss this!!!

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