mardi 29 mai 2012

Stars storm the premiere of Shan George's movie, Finding Goodluck

                                                                 Ini Edo                                                       Tonto Dike

Shan George's movie ‘Finding Goodluck’ premiered last Friday May 25 at Terra Kulture, V/I, Lagos. More photos when you continue...

                                         Lilian Bach                                        Kate Henshaw

                                                 Darlene Benson                               Stephnora Okere

                                                                                                      Ufoma Ejenabor

                                       Desmond Elliot                                       Chioma Chukwuka

                                                                  Mr and Mrs Chico Ejiro

                                                                                                    Monalisa Chinda

                                     Anita Hogan and son                                       Zakki Adzay

                                              Chidi Mokeme                                     Nkiru Sylvanus

Elvina Ibru
Gloria Ibru

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