mardi 26 juin 2012

PHCN high tension wire electrocute 7 people in Ibadan

Tragedy struck at the Apata market in Ibadan yesterday when seven persons, including a pregnant woman and a nursing mother, were instantly killed when a live high tension power cable of the Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN) suddenly cut off and fell on traders at the ever busy market.

The incident, which occurred at about 7am, affected mostly vegetables vendors as they were busy transacting their business at the popular Agbekoja section of the market.
Eyewitness identified the pregnant woman as Tawa and that her mother who was also standing by was a victim of the dawn electrocution.
However, a one-year-old baby boy was rescued alive from the scene of the incident while the baby’s mother, whose identify could not be immediately ascertained was not as lucky as she died following the impact of the live cable which fell directly on her. Good Samaritans rescued the infant unhurt from the back of his electrocuted mother who passed on immediately after the shock.
Many other traders at the spot sustained injuries and were rushed to nearby hospitals for medical attention.

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