vendredi 31 août 2012

Dear LIB Readers: How can I make my wife climax?

Since I put up the 'Does size really matter' post yesterday, I've been getting quite a number of sex related emails from LIB readers. Decided to share this one because I find it particularly interesting. See it below
Dear people of LIB, I've been married for six years and I've not been able to give my wife an orgasm. Unlike other women, my wife doesn't fake it. We've talked about it endlessly, we've tried different positions, we've done so many things, yet no result. These days I'm reluctant to make love to her because it's no longer enjoyable for me. You can't enjoy sex if the person you're having it with isn't enjoying it. What do I do?
You can't enjoy sex if the person you're having it with isn't enjoying it? Really? Like some men care! Hehe! Anyway, back to question, what can he do?

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