dimanche 24 mars 2013

Top 10 List of Ancient Cities

Ancient cities are still considered to be the most beautiful places today. Even though many new cities are being created today, these ancient cities are more valuable and more attractive to many people, specially those tourists all over the world.

Top 10 List of Ancient Cities
Image courtesy of doaaraku.com
Ancient cities also hide many ancient secrets and histories. We cannot deny the fact that without the advanced technology and advanced tools to create magnificent monuments and statues people of the ancient cities were able to create unbelievable creations and inventions.

These ancient cities also shaped the future of the cities that we are having at our present time. From the construction designs to the way of life of the people up to the people who are managing the city, we are absolutely influenced by ancient cities cultures.

We searched the internet to list many ancient cities and we have found some important top 10 lists below.

Here are your top 10 lists of ancient beautiful and historical cities.

 Top 10 List of Ancient Cities

Top 10 List of Ancient Cities - by www.livescience.com
  1. Cahokia
  2. Xi'an
  3. Great Zimbabwe
  4. Thebes
  5. Tenochtitlan
  6. Cuzco
  7. Babylon
  8. Constantinople
  9. Athens
  10. Rome

Top 10 List of Ancient Cities - by www.ufoevidence.org
  1. Ancient Mu Or Lemuria
  2. Ancient Atlantis
  3. Rama Empire of India
  4. Osirian Civilization of the Mediterranean
  5. Uiger Civilization of the Gobi Desert
  6. Tiahuanaco
  7. The Mayans
  8. Ancient China
  9. Ancient Ethiopia and Israel
  10. The Aroi Sun Kingdom of the Pacific

Top 10 List of Ancient Cities - by www.webecoist.momtastic.com
  1. Damascus
  2. Plovdiv
  3. Beirut
  4. Jerusalem
  5. Tel Aviv
  6. Athens
  7. Lisbon
  8. Xi'an
  9. Rome
  10. Delhi

For more information about the top list of ancient cities, you can visit their website. We credited and included their specific websites in every list that we have above.

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