jeudi 4 avril 2013

Top 10 List of Most Populated Countries

For some countries being the most populated is an advantage to gain more power and make their nation more progressive like China today. As we can see, China is one of the most populated country all over the world and they are also considered one of the most progressive country of our present time.

Top 10 List of Most Populated Countries
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According to Wikipedia, China's population is about 19% of the world population and it is still rising up.

We also searched the internet to find the top 10 list of the most populated countries today and here is your top 10 list.

Top 10 List of Most Populated Countries

TOP : 1
Country : China
Year : 2012
Population : 1,354,040,000
Percentage of World Population : 19.13%

Top 10 List of Most Populated Countries - China

TOP : 2
Country : India
Year : 2011
Population : 1,210,193,422
Percentage of World Population : 17.1%

Top 10 List of Most Populated Countries - India

TOP : 3
Country : United States of America
Year : 2013
Population : 315,608,000
Percentage of World Population : 4.46%

Top 10 List of Most Populated Countries -USA

TOP : 4
Country : Indonesia
Year : 2010
Population : 237,641,326
Percentage of World Population : 3.36%

Top 10 List of Most Populated Countries - Indonesia

TOP : 5
Country : Brazil
Year : 2012
Population : 193,946,886
Percentage of World Population : 2.74%

Top 10 List of Most Populated Countries - Brazil

TOP : 6
Country : Pakistan
Year : 2013
Population : 182,684,000
Percentage of World Population : 2.58%

Top 10 List of Most Populated Countries - Pakistan

TOP : 7
Country : Nigeria
Year : 2013
Population : 170,901,000
Percentage of World Population : 2.42%

Top 10 List of Most Populated Countries - Nigeria

TOP : 8
Country : Bangladesh
Year : 2012
Population : 152,518,015
Percentage of World Population : 2.16%

Top 10 List of Most Populated Countries - Bangladesh

TOP : 9
Country : Russia
Year : 2013
Population : 143,369,806
Percentage of World Population : 2.03%

Top 10 List of Most Populated Countries - Russia

TOP : 10
Country : Japan
Year : 2013
Population : 127,360,000
Percentage of World Population : 1.8%

Top 10 List of Most Populated Countries - Japan

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