mardi 24 juin 2008

AGN on Eucharia Anunobi's Outfit + DJ Abass Looses Dad

Actor's Guild of Nigeria cautions sultry Actress, Eucharia Anunobi on clothes worn in public

Here's what Stella Dimoko-Korkus wrote on her page in Encomium Magazine this week...
"The fire that was ignited by the dress this actress wore to the last Nigerian Music Awards is yet to settle down. The lady has also told all those who care to listen that however she chooses to dress is her business. But the Actor's Guild of Nigeria is making a mountain out of a mole hill by cautioning this adult on the dress she wore. Is the work of AGN now fashion police? Are members of this committee blind to the problems crippling the movie industry or are they just loafers without direction? Please they should face their job and leave anyone who decides to go naked all in the name of fashion and the AGN has no right whatsoever being a fashion police. The actress is an adult and so is anyone else who bares it all. AGN mind your business."

Reading this and another similar article in a different magazine, I just couldn't help but shake my head in wonder. Does AGN have the right to caution their members on dresses they wear? Impose a moral code of dressing? We are talking about adults here eh? Eucharia should be in her mid 30's? And you caution her on her dressing? Is there anything wrong with that?
I remember the ban on Ini Edo a couple of years ago because of her outfits and the only explanation they gave then was that it's for the good image of the industry. Actresses shouldn't portray themselves or Nollywood badly via clothes they wear. But seriously, is that something AGN should concern themselves with? Aren't there other pressing matters to attend to?
I ask again, does AGN have the right to caution actresses on clothes they choose to wear?
What do you guys think?

DJ Abass looses dad
Our dear friend, DJ Abass lost his dad on Monday 23rd June 2008. Alhaji Rasaq Kolawole Tijani, passed away peacefully in his sleep. He has since been buried in Oshogbo Nigeria according to Islamic rights and practice. Alhaji Tijani is survived by his wife and children.

If you would like to send DJ Abass a condolence message, go here...
May his soul rest in peace. Amen.
The 84 year-old bride.
Please click to enlarge so you can read the letters clearly...quite funny.
Will get Naija Ent. News in a day or so...

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