NB: This has got nothing to do with me...nothing at all. When we're ready, I'm sure he'll let me pick wherever I wanna marry at...wink!
But some people are facing this dilemma...
So what do you guys think?
Nigeria International
Finally the No1 celebrity party with Nigeria International happened. Again NI is the TV show for Nigerians around the world, showing the practicalities of Nigerian life every and anywhere they maybe with a celebrity presenter every week to show case the best of the best of Talents in the country . From Dakore Egbuson to Kate Henshaw- Nutall. Sunny Nneji, Gbenga Adeyinka, Mike Aremu, Michelle Dede, Julius Agwu, Isio Wanogho, Sound Sultan, Rita Dominic, Yinka Ayefele, Rugged man and a host of others.
Here are some pictures from the event...

Dele Fadahunsi - MD NI, Kemi Beyiouku - Marketting Executive, Adebola Williams - Snr. Producer NI

So when NI became 3, it was time to party with these celebrities and it was a blast.
From Etcetera blowing the guests away with a breath taking rendition of the National Anthem to the new comedy kid Seyi Law breaking ribs with veeery Nigerian jokes. The anchors Michelle Dede of Universal studios and Big brother Nigeria, and the well fed comedian of Nigeria, Jedi Ayo who came in straight from a show in the UK were just magical that the audience had no dull moment every time they came upstage. Hosting a first of its kind live set Talk show in the same manner of setting new standards by Nigeria International.

The talk show with Gbenga, Seyi Law, Jedi and Michelle

The NI crew!
The discussions were based on ‘How the Nigerian Entertainment industry is taking Nigeria International’ So we now have almost as often as we do in Nigeria, Nigerian comedy events, concerts involving Nigerian artiste like the Mandela concert with 9ice recently and our movies being first choice in different parts of the world although mostly amongst the Nigerian communities. It was a most interesting session and very revealing as these celebrities and industry moguls were most passionate .

The great Tee Mac was live to serenade with his flute and the world class rapper MI who is just hot and blazing, representing Nigeria around the world thrilled the audience with hits after hit especially crowd mentality.

One of NI's ambassadors - Dakore Egbuson

Dele Fadahunsi - The brain behind Nigeria international

Lepa Shandy on The Red carpet

The great Tee Mac on tune

The Jazz sensation, Etcetra
The cute dinner part was a cosy affair with not too much people from entertainers to corporate executives and upwardly mobile young people. The colours of the evening were bright and hot as it was a mix of White, Red and Green magically done by Yvent couture.

The ever cool performer, Segun Obe.
Wine and drinks were pouring over. Food from Essy peacock and small chops from Saheeto were too much to handle.
It was a pleasant evening for everyone that attended the event as they went home witr renewed hope for the country, refreshed from the thrill, and of course with great insights from the talk sessions.

Rave of Hiphop, MI Abaga thrilling the audience
The Anchors of the night -Michelle Dede and Jedi Ayo

Tee Mac

Gbenga Adeyinka, Debo Alexander of EXP and Zakki Azzay

Gbenga Adeyinka and Funmi of TV Continental enthralled by a performance.
NI intends to bring more often, such ground breaking events that will connect Nigerians abroad with those back home live on television and one of such will be to celebrate the Nigerian Independence in October. Please mail http://mail.google.com/mail/h/wdpzmexp1zj2/?v=b&cs=wh&to=info@nigeriainternational.com to be a part or call 07028101959/ 018505275
...Just so you guys know, I really really appreciate your comments...I might not respond to individual comments or even answer a question (it's not deliberate) but I do so so much appreciate every single comment...it makes blogging worth it...
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