samedi 30 juillet 2011

Five Secrets To My Youthful Look - Sabina Umeh

She's 42, and has four children, still the ex-beauty queen (MBGN 1989) can pass for a woman in her early thirties. You want to know her secrets? Read it below.

1. God. I do nothing without God and without prayers. I pray all hours of the day and I can tell you once you love God, He will love you back and give you long life.
2. Water and Food: I drink a lot of water and watch what I eat. I am not a junk food eater, what one eats matters a lot.
3. Lack of Stress: I never allow anything to stress me. Whatever the problem in life must always have a solution. Why I am looking like a teenage despite being an old mum is that I destroy stress in my life.
4. My Work: I am a passionate worker. Your love and passion for your job give you long life.
5. My Style: I try to be stylish knowingly and unknowingly. Style is about beauty, taking your walks, jogging and just exercising right.

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