mercredi 27 juillet 2011

Viberect offers vibrating alternative to Viagra

Something for the guys...:-). The device you see above is called Viberect, a gadget designed to tackle the issue of erectile dysfunction.

It's a handheld device that stimulates the penile nerves with vibrations sent through medical softpads. It's battery-operated. The $300 Viberect is a high-tech vibrator for men which doesn't require popping pills or getting injections. There are no side effects listed for the Viberect as long as users stick to the operation manual. That means one application per day for less than 10 minutes.

Viberect is available by prescription only with sales getting underway in the middle of August. There's a video (after the cut) that tells you all you need to know about the device. If you are at work, don't click on it...:-)

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