lundi 27 février 2012

Blessing Effiom-Egbe sues Silverbird for N500 million

Blessing Egbe                                                Ticket showing date

I heard from some very reliable sources that former model, actress and producer, Blessing Effiom-Egbe, who produced the hit movie - 'Two Brides & a Baby' is suing Silverbird Cinemas to the tune of N500 million! 
According to Blessing, since the screening of her movie at Silverbird Cinemas, she is yet to receive a single kobo from her investment even though the movie was screened to packed halls in Lagos, Abuja and Port Harcourt for over two months. 
Blessing said she was told the film had stopped screening in all cinemas of 13th of January only for her to discover it was not the case as the film continued to screen well into February! She has contacted her lawyer and is suing Silverbird for N500 million naira. They are yet to respond to her.

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