mercredi 29 février 2012

Mozyx, of popular 90's music group, Felyx and Mozyx, down with kidney failure

                                         Mozzyx in his hospital bed                                                       Mozzyx

Fellyx and Mozzyx was a popular Nigerian music group in the 90s. If you grew up in Nigeria in the 90s, you definitely know who they are. Unfortunately, one of the group members, Mozyx, real name Moses Ikomi is critically ill. Moses has been battling chronic kidney failure for over two years now. Doctors say his kidneys have packed up, so he needs a kidney transplant ASAP. The operation needs to be done in India and he needs financial help to make this possible. Please help keep Mozyx alive.
Please send your donations to 
Account Name: MOSES OCHIE.
Account Number: 1003783055.
For more details Contact Kenneth Ehi-Choya: 0803 308 9628  

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