lundi 7 mai 2007

Leave your comments here!

I don't know what I did yesterday while uploading entertainment and world news...there doesn't seem to be any place to leave comments on those posts. So if there's something you want to say, leave your comments here. Better still, someone can just tell me what to do to rectify the problem.

By the way, I just discovered how to use colours. Never knew it existed. Bush girl right? I discover new things everyday. If there's something else you know that you think I don't know i.e I've never used on my blog before, please feel free to pass your knowledge.

Meanwhile story plenty for una o. Things are happening in the entertainment industry in Naija. I'll give you all the gists later, for now I want to attend to money business matters.

let's meet later today for more gossip and gists.

See y'all later

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