mercredi 1 juillet 2009

Asaba International Airport Project + Delta State University Teaching Hospital

The International Airport, still under construction, is situated in Asaba, Delta State
Check it out...

Front view

Side view

Asaba International Airport Control Tower

Runway of the Asaba International Airport

The reason I brought these pictures here is because of a statement made by someone after seeing these pictures...

Here it is... "Another white elephant project...another conduit to drain scarce resources. Does Delta and Akwa-Ibom states need 'International' airports? Must every state in Nigeria have an airport? Aren't durable, well paved road networks a million times better? Asaba is bracketted by two airports (Enugu/Benin) that if properly developed alongside solid road network will allow the citizens of Edo, Enugu, Anambra and Delta state conduct their lives with utmost ease. This airport project is...bullshit!

Is this the right attitude? There's nothing 'bull' or 'shit' about the structures I'm looking at in these pictures. I know we've been let down severally in the past by our Government, but shouldn't we show appreciation when they do things like this? Like what our Governor in Lagos is doing? But on the flipside, is there any sense in what the writer wrote? Who agrees or disagrees with him?

Meanwhile check out another structure built by the Government of Delta State
Delta State University Teaching Hospital
This hospital in located in Oghara, Delta State
Front view of the Teaching Hospital

Side view

A Clinical Staff displaying some Medical Equipments of the Hospital
Pix thanks to Trueface of Delta...

Happy new month all
God bless!

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