Running Out of Life Lines

Celebrity guests like Denrele, M.I, and Omawumi entertained the ladies on different occasions in the mansion. They also received motivation from an award-winning human rights activist, Dr. Joe Okumakin.The fun ended abruptly as soon as it was time to present their task before the panel of judges both teams did well, but GROUP A was better.

It's hard to forget all the dancing, singing, and feasting of the previous week, in the Koko Mansion. The Kokolets had been living their lives in the mansion, like participants in a free-for-all rendezvous. But then, they were about to be snapped back to reality. In fact, they felt the foreboding ambience of the mansion like it suddenly became a haunted house where the ghost of impending eviction was stalking its next victim.

Last week's eviction show was a teaser, designed to remind the Kokolets that they were in fact in the mansion, not to feast, but to compete in a virile search for the one Kokolet who embodies the qualities of an ideal Nigerian woman. This time they knew for sure that one lady was going to get evicted from the mansion.
When the second task was delivered it stated that they were expected to design a re-branding campaign to enhance Nigeria?s image. And they did their best to interpret the task.Well, in between preparation and execution of the task, the Kokolets found time to have loads of fun.

Celebrity guests like Denrele, M.I, and Omawumi entertained the ladies on different occasions in the mansion. They also received motivation from an award-winning human rights activist, Dr. Joe Okumakin.The fun ended abruptly as soon as it was time to present their task before the panel of judges both teams did well, but GROUP A was better.

The mansion erupted in excitement as soon as the task result was announced by the governess, who declared GROUP A as the victorious team. Their reward was a date with D?banj and his friends at the fabulous Koko Lounge.
The voting lines had been buzzing throughout the week, as the public struggled to keep their favorite Kokolets in the competition. Even the ladies knew that it was going to be very serious business at the eviction show, since they had no clue as to what to expect this week later on, we'd discover that the Kokolets had been expecting another miraculous all-round saving session from Dbanj.
Finally, the time came for 3 Kokolets with the least number of votes to be paraded before Dbanj for him to determine which two of these ladies deserve to be saved, and which one deserves to be shown the door. Rekana, Chioma, and Lilian were on this eviction hotlist.It was really difficult for Dbanj to make a choice.
But then, he began his summation:
The first Kokolet I am going to save is someone who has shown deep knowledge and pride in her culture, He said before saving Rekana.
The first Kokolet I am going to save is someone who has shown deep knowledge and pride in her culture, He said before saving Rekana.

It came down to Lilian and Chioma, both very anxious and expectant; sweating as the mood music in the mansion mocked the panting of their heartbeats. Chioma you have shown a deep passion about showcasing your God-given talents in music, he paused, Lilian, your dancing skills have kept a lot of us entertained. I wish I can keep you both. However, one of you has to go. A very ominous silence descended on the mansion for a couple minutes, before Dbanj walked towards both ladies he hugged Lilian briefly, before he announced: Chioma, you're saved take your suitcase back upstairs.
A solitary tear dropped escaped from Lilian's eye. It was also obvious that it was a tough decision for Dbanj to make. But someone had to go, and it wasn't his call really. The public had voted for their favorite contestants.
Later that night, Lilian was joined by Mary, the contestant that took a voluntary exit from the mansion last week, at Volar for the official eviction party hosted by the ace-commedian AY, where they received an amazing red-carpet treatment like celebrity actresses fresh off the set of a blockbuster movie.
This Sunday is yet another eviction show but the looming question is: who will be ejected from the mansion?
You decide. Only your votes can keep these beautiful ladies in the magnificent Koko Mansion.--James Amuta
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