mardi 6 mars 2007


The only thing I love more than writing is watching movies. Or maybe I love watching movies more than writing...maybe I love both equally! Anyway, I've seen more movies than most people my age. I'd rather stay home and watch movies than go to a club, party or even hang out with friends...the little I have.

One day, I'm going to load up movies that I've seen and think you should see. But now, I'm going to tell you the best movies of 2006. And if you haven't seen any of this movies, pls go see them.

1. Pursuit of Happyness
2. The Departed
3. Happy Feet
4. The Queen
5. The last King of Scotland
6. Dreamgirls
7. Babel
8. Blood Diamond
9. Eragon
10. Night at the Museum

Of all of this movies, I think I love the Pursuit of Happyness the most. I won't tell you what it's about but I can guarantee your life would never be thesame again after watching this movie. It's about the strenght of the human spirit, determination, perseverance and not listening to those who tell you you won't amount to nothing.It's a life-changing movie. Go see it!

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